Where do djs get music

Demakufu munatoanga wapi Ngoma

Depends with the type you want
Kuna instrumentals, accapellas, refix, remixes extendeds…

But if you are looking for normal songs played on radio go to telegram search @DeezerMusicBot follow instructions

If you are looking for the extendeds and stuff we Buy them from sites such as dj city, xtendmix.
Pricing is subscription of 1500 to around 5k

vile @Rock1117 amesema

So it’s not free

Waluhya na vitu za bure.

Kuna sometimes naskia Dj anamix a second song mwanzoni when the 1st song is near to end, is there any app that can do that, wud be much appreciated.

Yes download DJ studio5

Ok thanks bro. Will do it. Been looking for this thing.



Software that only needs a laptop
1.virtual dj
2. Sony acid (majority of mixtape you hear on mats are made using this. It’s more of editing songs than being a dj sio rahisi though. Akina lyta, vdj Jones mostly hutumia hii
3.sony Vegas it’s an upgrade of above Sony acid. Sony Vegas mixes videos unlike acid which does audio only.

If you want to be a good DJ practice live mixing using machines. If you invite 90 % of those djs you hear on matatu the performance will be too far from your expectations. Have you ever wondered why Demakufu doesn’t play same on HBR like in in his matatu mixtape? Now you know

Hio ni big project but its gud to know. Thanks for sharing.

Vile @Rock1117 amesema hapo juu you can go for paid subscriptions or just download them yourself from youtube although some premium ones might not be on youtube. Another option is linking up with djs and ask if they can copy what they have some will share at a fee but most djs hukataa so its upto you. I personally get mine from youtube and I know a few djs who we share the music. I once had over 2TB of music in my laptop but it was stolen.