Its a loose sato. Some of us are far, some of us may be seated next to each other in the bar and wouldnt know it. I propose we take pictures of your immediate surroundings. Out of the window, or off the balcony (for akina @Ice_Cube at Ndumberi golf club) or in the abattoir you are working in (sijataja mtu:D).
So where are other talkers this evening?
Here’s what I currently see out the balcony:
Kingston Jamaica on the beach.
wacha ujinga
Thankyou kwa kuanika hii jamaa ya Mowlem
he he…kumulikwa chap chap…
vipi @bar_mann
Mimi niko massage parlour mdogo mdogo [ATTACH=full]22511[/ATTACH]
Kuwa mpole cheza ndogo bjurmann
chokosh,itabidi utulie na sio tafadhali
This thread has been badly derailed bana
Niko inhouse…
mimi bado niko Natives still waiting for @junkie we square it off like men once and for all [ATTACH=full]22514[/ATTACH]
massaging the goose’s neck, hm?
Is my translation right?
In my room doodling[ATTACH=full]22516[/ATTACH]
the idea is you take the picture yourself [ATTACH=full]22517[/ATTACH]
refer to the post hapo juu @chuka saying he is in a massage parlour…
Poa. Sema
sina kitu ingine ya kusema,
ni hayo tu!