When is a door not a door?
When it is ajar
Would open my heart
But my heart is a jar
In it I store my all
The heart is ajar
Within are my secrets
I walked a thousand lifetimes
And found death in every step
Grasped fleeting eternity by the tail
And it dragged me to a yesterday…
Without you
I swam the center of the sun
Learned to be cold and distant
Pondered the depths of the moon
And struck on emptiness
So much I would say
Would that I could
Tell you all
Yet my hand falters
Is a door not a door…
When it is a heart
When is a heart not a heart…
When it is a jar
ajar ≠ a jar … but i gave you a “like” anyways 'cause i gotcha
si hata mimi npewe like kwa hii comment
Read again. I see nothing wrong. But anyway, usungu iko shida saa zingine
when a heart’s not a heart
when a boyfriend’s not a boyfriend
you coulda just tagged our resident girl @Ka-Buda
a jar
by far
ajar = wide open, a jar like a cookie jar
Bado hajakulipia stima? :eek:
Inbox me how much you need my dear
Read again. The author used the two words (jar and ajar) correctly.
no need to explain the difference to the chap he’s probably in 'Murica" he uses "murican english cant tell the difference between than and then so the two words are messing him up
I don’t get it…
thanks for that…cartman
Jah jah whip dem…
Kyyyyyriie eeeeeleison.
He he stima nilishalipa yawa…nataka yeye anunue ka plot hivi hivi