When death come calling and it misses you

Shait…he didn’t even know what hit him

I have seen the woman in a documentary about fighting isis. she is one of those anti isis forces.

Safi two in one lazima ni risasi kubwa.

Kurdish Peshmerga forces? I have a lot of respect for those fellas.

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mimi ile ya pale El Adde ilifanya niogope sana vita.

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Bandana ya blue…might as well put a red target mark on her forehead.

Hiyo ilikuwa mbaya saidi… Kukutiliwa unawares atakama wewe ni special opps kusurvive ni Mungu to…

Training tuliambiwa risasi ya mwisho niyako ,siwezi kubali kushikwa.

Mimi maneno ya risasi sipendi hata kuangalia…i guess having served in North Eastern Kenya at a time when terrorism cost countless Kenyan lives left me traumatised.

wuuuuah! mbisch is lucky