It’ll be an interesting era.
It’ll be an interesting era.
Inawauma Kwa nini, nobody is forced to attend or pray. It is democracy if majority want such a leader so be it
You are a dimwit. That’s a fact like day and night
Religion is used as a veil for incompetence, when leader start praying to solve problems, instead of facing these problems head-on, jua kuna shida.
Only a few years ago, a section of Kenyans believed that various blackspot on our roads, that continually ended hundreds of road user lives, were jinxed.
We witnessed prayers being held on some of these black spots, while in essence, these roads were poorly designed and constructed. It was a matter of putting our engineers to task.
Case in point, the old Nairobi Thika highway, that road had so many black spots, that a week hardly passed without lives being lost, and that changed with it’s reconstruction .
So, @Shaka, we may pray all day, but as long as we aren’t upto task, our challenges will remain.
The problem is not praying but inaction, we should not equate the two.
Inaction is a component of incompetence.
Prayer [COLOR=rgb(184, 49, 47)]IS inaction.
What part of religious spectrum do you lean on …tuanzie hapo
It might be democracy but don’t expect the thinking lot to keep quiet when majority imbeciles like you elect thieves and conmen in the name of hustlers, you bottoms-up lamebrain.
Technically praying is inaction, what is it the legend Fredrick Douglas said about the futility of praying on your knees compared to praying on your feet in regards to slave runaways.
I loathe loud people, loud christians even more…btw did someone hack your account?
Interesting times lay ahead.
the theme in the background will be in the lines of, the humble and the meek shall inherit the world. what does it benefit a man to inherit the world and miss the kingdom of God. our riches are in heaven…
ukiniambia penye uko sahii nakuja na chuma moto. Yaani hot iron rod and tell you to lie down on your belly. I guess you know what will happen next
No wonder the white man loves him soo much
The same jesus who couldn’t save his own ass at the cross. He was an okay magician for his time alright, but putting your life in his hands is giving the guy WAY too much credit.
Me huona wasee hawakunywangi pombe wanajigamba na bibilia with alot of false entitlement and I shake my head.
We organise a staff team building event and we pick a certain hotel, then the religious wannabees say that the said hotel sells alcohol and therefore they ain’t going to be part of us!
Like ¾ of the staff don’t attend. Sisi tunasema io chakula yao ikuwe pombe. Kwani iko nini…
Monday tunafika job tunapata watu wa mungu wamenuna hawataki kuongea.
Ukitaka kuweza negro mwabie mabo ya mbiguni na mabo ya mungu
The divine Ruto, anointed by God…even his wife performs water purification miracles! We are living in great times.
Hapo IQ inafikia basement level - single digit.
Kimwarer and arror should be full of purified water after swearing in.