WhatsApp,F/Book,Insta Down reminded me of When Klist went down one unexpected day. Still painfull


The blackout yesterday has reminded me of the day K-List died without warning leaving me/us high and dry with a bitter taste and balancing tears (Thank God for creators of KenyaTalkt that came to lick the wounds or stand in place of k-list although its never the same but appreciated).

I remember it like yesterday. I had become soo addicted to k-list i would find myself log in first thing in the morning and log out last thing at night. In there , was peace, laughter, and knowledge, vast info; then one day i try log in Nothing. I say maybe its coz the site is down i give it some hours…
Hours later nothing, 24hrs…nothing. 48hrs nothing…

I couldn’t believe it. I craved for it like a cigarette but it was down and gone. I would search the interwebs daily to see something of semblance but wapi…Then one day,sorta like 4 months later vualaa… Kenyatalk. Hee! The feeling was like cum.
Siezi taka hivo tena.Bloody admins make sure that never happens.

We are in the process of selling out this kijiji to a South African operator. Don’t say you were never warned

Kenyatalk is just a shadow of K-list.

Are you serious? SHit!!

Can’t be half what K-list was. Kwanza Admean huku haezi kubali the word kenyan.li.st to be posted. Atleast Wanderi wasnt g-ay. Hii sampuli ya kina @ChifuMbitika wanarusha mtu siberia akiweka picha mbili tatu za kunyenye imenyolewa ndio inasikitisha

We want to maintain total dignity in this village

Wank kwanza alafu ukuje online tubishane on Word semantics.

The great legend:

Sawa mkubwa

ile kuma ya umbwa @supu alikuwa ameniban 1 week to klists vanishing . Jakenya @Tiriitiondo mtoto wa malaya alifikiria klist ni ya nyanya yake

fisked !

I know where Jakenya O.G.W is, Bada Ligam ako Ministry of Finance and He’s not Bhai as advertised, Okuyu Jakuo got circumcised the painful way and accepted the lord and Savior, He’s working in a Security firm, Jeremy Kibet is still foul mouthed to this day, the Kiuk protagonist died unfortunately, @MBOMB ako kwa izi streets walking around with his foreskin, @uwesmake i see you. Ulipigana first world war ya Jubilee saa hii unapigana ya UDA.


Furaha kwangu. Next should be TikTok. Watu wakue busy instead of spreading x-rated content and trolling others in the interwebs. Though i was pissed when Charteau heartiste and r/redpill was deplatformed.

Mama yako alikuambia Niko na foreskin?

Enda umuulize.

Nothing will be able to match Klist ever.

Amesema sio yeye, do you want to say hi?