What's your favourite vernacular love song?

Once upon a time I was head over heels in love with a Kikuyu man, sijawahi penda MTU hivyo,adi nikapenda mugithi , mapenzi ya andu a nyumba dahh wehh. Aba utige. Ubaya alikufa kabla hajanirombosa. I loved that man. Hope mbinguni atakua my neighbour because he was hendsem . Mountain mehn when they are hot they are :fire:




My dear nduko


Inaitwa peris nduku ya demathew

Guess whooo?

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Hiyo ya Kamaru huimba juu ya nini?

It’s the best kikuyu song nimeskia.

Muhiki/ Bibi wa mikosi. Kamaru was on another level.

Na hii

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Hizi wimbo kuna day wife alikuwa amezichangamkia ati zinamkumbusha her mum, ziliniboo nkatoka nkaenda kuzurura na huko nje.

Wueh! hizi haziwezi toa kanga manyoya ama kutoa nyoka pangoni. Mna zienda aje sasa?

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Sasa unadunganga yellow hio design kama @MTINGIZA_KITANDA

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Hio wimbo wekea Mungikiresss Leo utapewa spider style.

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Hehe, wacha kwanza niiandike kwa note ya phone. Ntamuachia hapo iki play nijipe shughuli and see the results later

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Transleshen msichana wa wenyewe si madathi ufinye finye.

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Ya huyu D-.
It encourages traditional marriage. Barefoot culture tamu mno.


Hii mix ya demethiu


Capotty akindiwe ni ngite

It looks like there’s alot of talent in disciplined forces, sio wanariadha, bands and even singers like Samidoh. I was in a family gathering recently and I was shocked by how popular Samidoh is with family members.

I love Bango wedding songs wanakutungia yenu specific. Napenda Wagiriama Sana.


Mama kiwinja.

Very true.
Maroon commandos opened the way for them.

The same is being extended to inmates.

Arume ni Nyamu-Queen Jane
And all Sam Kinuthia Songs