Is it an issue of societies where emotions have to be stifled and arranged marriage is the norm ?
a 16 year old is not a child she is sexually mature . rape is allowed in indian culture as a form of punishment but hapo kwa ku set ablaze ndio sikubaliani nayo kula uwachie wengine wakule baadaye .
@sandip @Sandra Patel & Co. Is this the India you brag about so often? A land of cowardly barbarians. Ningewaita ng’ombe lakini hiyo ni mungu kwenu.
Na ile ngombe @ranjeet
The devilish caste system and its associated Devadasis system, which ritually marries young girls to a deity, after which they are not allowed to marry any person. The youth of the village, belonging to any caste, are free to exploit them for sex. The society is conditioned to abuse girls of the lowest caste.
India is rape central. The Indian men seem to be ignoring the teachings of their racist cow Mahatma Gandhi. He taught non violence.
Indian doctors lakini are great professions and I thank goodness that Kenya has them.
It seems nobody there wants to confront this sick reality. Something is seriously wrong.
Ata wasito wa pukoma na kakamega wana hio tapia ya kukula vifaranga wao
This is so sick for them women are no more than tools ! Really sick society , a man will douse his daughter in petrol just for suspecting her of liking someone of a lower caste , to save the family name, In rural India some still practice ritual female suicide where a woman lays on her husbands funeral pyre . If only they used the energy to dig latrines !
ni effects za kukula pilipili name kuber mingi
This is pathetic, sisi hapana support hiyo kind of punishment. My heart cries for justice for the victims.