What's the story behind your username?

Mine is cause I’m new here, Oh and also because
xXx_69PU$$YSLAYER69_xXx imenikataa

because I’m fly… drum rolls

Because I am v old and wise!

I’m out of this world…and I save([SIZE=1]with mshwari[/SIZE])daily

Because am the only default human here

Because Samora Machel is my grandad

Take a guess…

because am a navy seal dryfry artist and i do herculean tasks that others can never be able to .

No story. First word or phrase that comes to mind: matress, grandma_kicks, duck_of_war, 300puppets, fingerprints… I could keep going.

Oh yeah? Take a guess:D

It’s a good way of eliminating people with miniature IQs.

because am rukus

Why are you obcessed with IQs?

N nothing to do with tities…gotcha

Additional perfomance ya kuosha mesho …not monthly but every Friday

Niaje msito kuja octagon nikupee mauppercut

mi yangu ni ju ukiniacha na dame yako ama female cuzo hivi…mi na…:D:D:D:D

Always assumed that it was short for ‘moby dick’

I find it funny

Being free within society from oppressive restrictions imposed by authority on one’s behavior or political views.

compensating for something else that makes him feel inferior whenever he is around people,case in point, @luoamerican na @kunguni the pilot:D:D:D:D