What's the Reasonable Education and "Common Sense" Level Should a Wifable Woman Have?

I have this Jirani who has a fleet of Noahs that ply the Nairobi-Western route. Not super educated but very street smart. But the poor guy made a rookie mistake, he caffed this random, not-very-cute, village pumpkin from huko kwao, kitambo kabla hajaomoka. That woman is a fuking gossip machine, ukikuja na one of your chicks na uamuache kwa nyumba for a day, at the end of it atakua anajua where you’ve hidden all your skeletons. But I think it’s a problem of intellect. If you talk to this woman for a half a second, the first thing you realize is that she’s as dumb as a rock. When you have a head that’s that empty, your conversations can only revolve around mundane stuff like gossip. I pity the poor fellow fellow coz he often admits it’s impossible to hold a conversation with his woman.

Now here is the big question, what’s the reasonable education and “common sense level” should a wifable woman have? I’m asking coz I have this youngin ananipenda mbaya. Responsible, sensible, cute enough, comes from a decent enough family (the dad is very involved in her life), In short kienjeji wife material kabisa. But education kidogo she’s a few ladders below me (sitasema ni which level, juu kuna watu hapa wata catch feelings, but she’s ni a polytechnic). Secondly, while mimi si dynasty, her background is relatively humble compared to mine. I suspect this will become a big source of friction, given the wide gap in experience and perspectives. Plus ni poa kuwa na muwoman ana challenge your thinking kidogo, the one who shoots down your dumb ideas.

You can use all metrics on earth but still end up with a viper… I think common sense level is a safer bet… education wise, avoid both extremes… But GENERALLY, women are just women sometimes… A good wife ni bahati Yako, grace… etc. Whatever you call it

Bibi ama wife material must be ebony in complexion and must have a PhD as a bare minimum.Huyo ni wa kukea family and ku ensure that you bring up the right pedigree of kids.At the same time you must keep at least three slim thick yellow yellows that you randomly deek two to three times a week excluding once on Friday or Saturday night.Their only qualification is their ability to turn you on and to make you cum.Usifanye makosa ya kufuga kunguru yellow yellow mwenye hajaenda skuli hata kama anafanya diploma sijui TUM ama KESRA achana na yeye kabisaaa.

hii shule ilikufanya nini, Y hurt such a baby school.:D:D:D

If you want to marry a girl look at her background especially family background. How close and supportive the family is, how the father is respected by the mother and children , how their father raised them. Women with good relationship with their father tend to have more confidence while those with daddy issues have low self esteem . They are also more likely to cheat and break up the marriage.
Whether she went to havard, or her father is a billionaire doesn’t matter

:D:D:D Omwami umeshindwa na malaya wa campo mpaka ukaenda kutafuta polytechnic? :D:D:D Gift your kids good genes tall and ebony in complexion venye @Agwambo amesoma

At least post KCSE certificate level.

hehe huyu alikua tenant ya a sibling of mine. Nilienda kuomba rent kikanikwamilia.

Hio hakuna tofauti na colleges ziko Thika Road.

Hombre to hombre.
Roho safi tena.

Following closely …

Consider the following :-

Common Sense is not as common as you might think …

Education is different things to different people …

Where would you rate the following 3 well known women on those 2 criterion …??? :D:D




Umesema, especially now getting a good one is hard

There is no 100% in this business …
Just observe the woman carefully and go with your gut instinct .

If it doesn’t work out , try again …:D:D

Since you are a qualified doctor with mbchb would you marry a class five dropout?

At least a degree

PhD or class 5, no guarantee… sometimes even hUyo wa PhD anaezakuwa worse

But be genuine. Would you settle down with a dunderhead who never stepped into high school?

Not necessarily… but can’t dismiss totally. Some are above average in intelligence but couldn’t continue due to poverty, you might be surprised to find a small percentage wako more life-smart than some obnoxious PhD holders. They grew up kwa mashida… but as I said, ni bahati tu

I always knew you were an overcompensating peasant