What's so special at Lee Funeral Home?

Africans are generally preoccupied with non issues like funerals, ruracios, sex scandals, gossip etc. That is why even the Europeans easily took our land as we admired ourselves in mirrors and rode newly gifted bicycles like circus monkeys.

This was a VIP banae. Wacha body ifanywe viewing by people in the capital and fellow VIPs alafu wazike

True… but this could have happened in Matungu… but then what is the big thing about dead bodies, if I may ask?

Most VIPs live in Nai since ni capital. Moi for example could have been viewed in karbanett or Jomo in Gatundu but they were viewed in Nairobi.

The body isnt the big deal. But its good to use the opportunity to show a mans achievements so that future generations may know about them and maybe aspire to do what they did or to better them.

Also, it helps to remind us that we are all motal and our time on this earth is limited

Of what significance is the viewing? Would it be different if say they sent us the photo of the body?

I think you just described a book. Memoirs perhaps.

To see a body of a Matungu MP in Nairobi… are you kidding me? And what has he achieved on the national scale to deserve this?

I am sure you are not from Western and Nyanza regions like me… So let us hear what their strange logic is…

Thats looking at the situation with a scientific mindset and not culturally…

For example, why do people drink in pubs? Si u buy your bear and drink at home…

Why do people go to the theatre? Si you just watch a recording at home…

I couldn’t agree more chief. Some weird rituals happen at that mortuary. Mostly by the free masons which many rich Kenyans are a part of

Methinks viewing of the body would be "significant " to the people of Matungu who elected him as compared to assholes In Nairobi.

You have a strange way of reasoning.

Bro… the fact he was MP means he was a prominent kenyan. The family decided on the viewing. Wacha waendelee nayo. Kwani why are you so irked by it?

That is true… In which case they should have refrained from bringing the “Honourable” body of the late MP to Nairobi and then fly it back for burial!

Hehe… sawa Buda

Dont the people of Matungu also live in Nairobi?

Mundu wa Ingokho!! How many times will I call you? Tell us more about the fetish with dead honourable bodies!

True dat

What irks u about the rituals surrounding the dead. Ama when someone dies we shoulld just throw them to the hyena’s?

Why do societies construct monuments to dead people like statues or naming airports after them? Si these are just dead guys? Why bother?

When somebody dies they are gone but their deeds stay with us. The body can be disposed off like immediately… what is the big thing about dead bodies? We can even write a book, build a monument about them, a documentary but shipping the body to Lee than back to Ingokho-land is purely ----shit!