What's she about to say?

NMG imejitolea kweli kweli. Tangu Gava iunde agency ya ku-buy media space wanapoteza karibu 20 mill daily that they were picking bila sweat…

hahahaha,Your reply says something hehehehe:D:D


Fanya fujo uone


Naeza lamba Coomer yake hivi


I wouldn’t touch this scum,hata nilipwe one million

you wouldn’t get anywhere near her…she doesn’t like the smell of mbuta…

Fapping is all you do!

1.Fangi, Fombe na Finger dani ya keino dio napedaga.
2.Forithi maritutoa bio huko sabina joy mangai!
3.Fungua thurware UK, Leo nataka fibo kwa mokia
4.Fwan fwen fwin fwon fun, ghafra bin vuu codom ikapasukaa

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