What's Africa beef with homosexuality?

Seriously, tuweke homophobia kando, what’s your beef with homosexuality? I know y’all have 1001 reasons but why haven’t those reasons affected Japan, South Korea, China, Russia, Norway, Sweden, Finland, Netherlands and basically all developed countries?

Mind you, your favorite anti-West boogeymen Russia and China have decriminalized homosexuality. Do you claim to be wise than them? And if homosexuality is an issue, why haven’t they taken steps to reverse back the decriminalization? Imagine even the hermit kingdom North Korea doesn’t have an issue with homosexuality. Israel where you Jewish mythology book called the Bible originates from has legalized homosexuality and recognizes same sex marriage. Do you claim to know it all than them? Singapore, your favorite comparison country repealed a defunct law that was introduced by the British and therefore legalizing homosexuality, are you more wiser than them?

Why is homosexuality an issue in poverty riddled countries while in wealthy nations its not an issue. On a personal level, do you have an issue with homosexuality? Have you met a gey person? How would you want homosexuality treated?

It’s a pity that we keep focusing on the wrong holes…sorry goals while the real ones get neglected.

Uganda has a gdp per capita of a measly $500 but apparently geys are the biggest threat. Lmao.

N/B: Engage is a civil manner, matusi wacha.

tombwaaaa umbwa homosexual takataka

Tokomea mbali shoga mkundu firimbi kinyesi ya shetani. Ukikuja Kenya, TUTAKURAMBAAAAA

Kuna mtu kwa hii kijiji amekukataza usitombwe mkundu? All we are saying tombwa kisirisiri and don’t tell us unatombwangwa mkundu.

Matha’fucker …

Fair assessment. The government should also be told to remove its nose from private affairs.

Tukutane South Sudan.


We ghaseer tulia.

What’s the west’s beef with FGM or polygamy? If you think about it, male circumcision is the ultimate text book example of genital mutilation.

:D:D:D hii thread ime back fire on the OP who wants to spread bottom faggetry agenda.

Umbua. Kutomba mwanamke mkundu imekuwa wise Sasa? Shoga Malaya wewe.

I voted for the 2010 constitution during the referendum. That constitution grants every citizen the right to petition govt on anything. That far I helped your fellow degenerates. Wewe kama unaona serikali haitaki mtombane mikundu invoke your constitutional right.

It hasn’t, I know KTalk is inherently homophobic so I am just stringing along. Nothing personal since this is an anonymous forum.

Is this your rebuttal? Endea school fees yako. One of the reasons Africa would never develop. Nasema let’s debate, wewe unakimbilia matusi. Simple instructions zinakushinda. I hope you never sire

FGM is Female Genital Mutilation, it’s a gory practice that shouldn’t be defended ever. Should be relegated to the annals of history. AFAIK, I am still reading more about polygamy. But again, why do you want to marry many wives when you can barely feed one?

Are you gáy yourself?

I am glad that that is working perfectly. The relevant people are fighting in court and they have been able to get a few victories here and there. Wishing them well nevertheless.

I am not gey, I am straight. I don’t find men attractive. Nevertheless, I believe those who do, should be able to exercise their “choices” without discrimination and within reasonable legal limits. Banning gey sex is not a reasonable legal limit. LLB Lawyer @uwesmake’nde can expound more about that.