by any chance is she still getting assistance from the former husband ama ni slices tu…??
hiyo miaka ni mingi sanaa she ought to even be having a child of their own by now these Lady has a lot in hiding.
by any chance is she still getting assistance from the former husband ama ni slices tu…??
hiyo miaka ni mingi sanaa she ought to even be having a child of their own by now these Lady has a lot in hiding.
She is just using him to spite the legal husband, she will gladly go back when asked to
I’m sure this woman swore never to grant the legal husband a divorce.
She wants financial security from guy no 1 and mjulubeng from guy no 2!
Trying to have her cake and eat it too!
Am not a church Elder
Am not a church Elder bro. I wouldn’t even qualify for a Sunday school teacher. Am one of those rotten to the core specimens. I know it and I toe my line. However, if a younger couple looks up to me for guidance, I feel humbled.
[li]: the crime of marrying one personwhile you are still legally married to another[/li][/ul]
Full Definition
[li]: the act of entering into a marriagewith one person while still legallymarried to another[/li][/ul]
You are entertaining folly. Legally a woman cannot be married to more than one man. The guy is also very slow and under the lady’s spell. The guy should have demanded the lady to divorce before moving in as a wife…that is common sense. The lady can never dictate terms of marriage.
See @Etigere comment up there, end of story. Hio maneno ya mapensi for that lady is honestly b.s
sija soma all a dem but, the lady likes a 2way traffic road, tel the guy personally atafte mwingine, roho yako iko hapa na ukiona mto wake fikira zarudi, tell the gu not to waste time, then play hii ngoma as u give him the facts
Kwani how expensive is a divorce?
This is not the first time i am hearing that.
Not a lawyer but have heard divorce cannot be granted from a mutual agreement of the parties concerned.
The guy is right, IMO.
In order to divorce you must demonize your partner. Reason the late Mútula never handled divorce cases.
Kwani how much does it cost to file a divorce? That’s a flimsy excuse… Am supporting the dude in this one
Niqqa don’t even bother. There is no advice you can give the lov(s)ers. Stick to planning new cattle dip locations and resolving farm trespass disputes. Hao wajinga wawili will play it out exactly how they want. You will only serve to amplify their drama. Senji
Tell the lady to stop playing an adulterer and go back to her first husband. Even after a legal divorce, in the eyes of God she’s still married to the first one. A marriage ends only after death sio upuzi za divorce.
Divorce in Kenyacan only be filed three years after the celebration of themarriage. “However, where there is extreme depravity or exceptional hardship acourt may considerotherwise,”
when thedivorce is finalised, Section 26(1) of the MatrimonialCauses Act may come into effect, leading toa court order compelling one spouse tomakeperiodical payments towards maintenance of the otherand infant children of the marriage.
Also, when divorce is premised on wrongdoing – adultery, desertion orcruelty – and it is determinedthat theinnocent isentitled to matrimonial property, “the court may order theproperty, or any part of it, tobe used forthe benefit of theinnocent party, the children, orany of them,” Jude observes.
Oncustody of the children it is aprinciple in law thatchildren of tender years - up toage 10 - are best caredfor bytheir mothers. A father may be allowed ordenied child visitation based on behavioural evidenceadduced in court.
“In some instances, afather may receive custody if the court issatisfied thateither themother is notof sound health oris incapableof accordingthe children a normalupbringing,”
Hapa boy child amewekwa on merry go round and round for too long. Ambia girl child she is guilty of bigamy, what is remaining is a complainant to pop up to complete the plot.
Anasumbua elders bure:D