Most talkers here lead double lives.
Inaweza kuadhiribaje?
Most talkers here lead double lives.
Inaweza kuadhiribaje?
Tafuta kungu the pilot vile kunaendanga sijui kama alikuwa hapa ama kenyanlist.
River Yala.
Nothing. Kypii @Jimit was exposed hadi picha. Kijana mdogo anakaa mashida mashida ivi :D:D:D
Post? Naskia kucheka already
Nothing…kuna jangili kadhaa zinanijua hapa including conman flani…but the friendships I treasure ni za some two female talkers…great women.
Nothing… Ukijua @Nyamgondho ni 54 year old kipii who lives in Otiende Estate Langata utafanya nini?
Am also certain hapa Kuna majamaa najua, elders kama @Sambamba, @Wanaruona, @Kuna Vitu Sipendi, @Jini, @Nyadist hawa ni wale naona tumegongana mara kadha mahali…nikaweka mbisha nitaitwa na majina zote nne :D:D
:D:D he’s on his way…(tereng tereng) kimbia tu…
Bro people do know each other here on a personal level. I know kendu 10 people naweza kukupeleka kwao be it job or home, some have introduced me to their families. None of them childish enough to doxx me.
Doxxing is childish. You’ve got to be very careful tho. Kuna wanyama wa porini pia.
I only knew Purple’s real identity before she left the forum.
But getting doxxed sio kitu kubwa. People have become too soft and sensitive nowadays.
Siku za K-list watu walikuwa wanapatana wanakula dem combi.
@uwesmake can testify.
You should be in a better position to tell us. Afterall, you were doxxed long time ago as an electrician, studied in Nakuru and currently in his forties.
Bro, uko sure tushaigongana mahali?
Kuna area ushataja taja hapa nikaona nikama wewe ni jirani :D:D
:D:D:D klist tena.
Mimi Kuna some elders nime refer hapa wapate elimu ya bure najua sahi bado ni ma new villagers.
My guess is most people here are the true opposite of what they portray. The most ‘dumb’ here are probably those respectable people in suits being interviewed by parliament for some posts. Most people are here for fun.
nataka tujuane tuwe tunatembeleana
You cannot say who I really am. No name no nothing just @Ndindu
Najua atlest 22 talkers at a personal level. A while back nliona @Agwambo alighting from his tired German machine.
Who is the real you?..the “anonymous” or the doxxed…
Do you suffer from dissociative identity disorder?..unajijua…multiple personalities? :D…
In reality…All of us are different in different situations…and to different people…
just be you when nobody cares kama hapa