1.l dont dance,kijana mrefu na magoti dancing hawaendani,l prefer nituliye na tusker/white-cup as l enjoy music,shida ni zile kubaffu muko nazo zinashinda zikikuamsha u dance l hate that
2. upuzi ingine l dont celebrate birthdays tangu ile heka niliwapea maboyz walishikwa waka-lala ndani…so am low key sasa kuna fala ilisema leo ni birthday ya sparta wakanimwagia fombe kwa kichwa,l hate izi upuzi walai
3. mizoga hutumia hii phrase AS IN…
4.Mtu kuniambia nipunguze radio abonge na simu…budda toka nje kubaffu
5.makangaa kujifanya amekurudishia change
6.walevi wale huongea kizungu wakilewa kwanza beste yangu apa husumbua huwa ana anza kutweng nugu yeye
having recollection of past sexual escapades. Can only recall recents with a 6months timeline. Hata nikifugua archives folder I need to be guided thrroughby the female. Always gets me in trouble with exsz ju niko blank tu nikiwaona. Hata watchie wa shule secondary namkumbuka more
i suck at touching base. Yaani tu kucall tu mtu ama kumtext to know how they are doing, neffa. Same with holding long conversations on nothing at all. Kuna time inafika i get bored easily talking to someone. Another one is being a guest, yaani kukaa tu ndee kwa wenyewe ati mimi ni mgeni, hehe, utangoja sana. I come to you with a reason, stick to the reason and leave when done.
I have a problem with recalling names of streets, avenues and lanes preffering to mark buildings for easier navigation. I also have difficulty in remembering baptism names for women. I prefer their indigenous names na vile wasichana don’t like sharing them.
I am poor at Maths. Hii kitu ilinishinda huko Class 3. I tried and tried but I was just not getting it. Hadi wa leo, I dread hesabu na sitaki kuulizwa nisaidie watoi maths homework juu hiyo tu ni aibu. KCSE I had a B- and had a D- in Maths. Ningepita Maths I am sure labda ningepata B+.
But as Sonko says, as long as you can count money, you will be fine.
And that’s why I only accept dates from men who we sort of have something in common hence we are to talk. If we can talk on phone for 30minutes then the date will be a success. If the conversation on phone is a struggle then there is absolutely no reason to go on a date with them.
My short term memory sucks since I was a kid my mom send me for something upstairs I get there I cant recall what it was , but my long term memory say from a week ago to 20 years ago is insanely good photographic. Infact its so amazing that most people think I am cheating when I tell them about something and I can remember vocabularies in books I read 10 years ago , numbers,colors, everything. Like in most classics there are mythical places like Lilliput . I remember them all. And I just love it when my friends who read the same books are like where is that?
I am terrible with directions and I started getting lost when I was a small child. When I go to say a place where all buildings look the same I have to get directions like 5 times to get from point A to B. I always get lost on Thika Road , I take the wrong turns all the time, especially when its dark because my eyesight is compromised at night. The beauty of it is that I am never afraid when I get lost because I am used to getting lost. I remember one day my workmates and I were from a baby shower to a place i’d never been to before. It started raining cats and dogs and we were lost, it was getting dark and the place didnt look very safe and they were so scared and I was so normal like its so kawa for me, no sweat. So I told them I get lost when I am alone in worse places and I feel no fear whatsoever. I am also those people who feel afraid afterwards, when I am in a scary situation I am like a robot, no emotions.
When I dont particularly like somebody I cant remember their name. I had to really like someone to remember their name, so I got into this habit of calling people I met whose name I couldnt remember George or Lucy for women. It seemed better than I absolutely cant remember your name. The worst thing is that most everyone Ive worked with,went to school with, even went to the gym with remembers me but for me I remember the face but not the name, unless I really took a liking to you and if I didnt like you its even worse because I will even forget your face even if we were classmates for 4 years. So my strategy was that I let the other person do all the talking as I figure out where do I know this person from.
I am absolutely terrible at hagling. I hate it. Hate it.Hate it. So what I do is that I go shopping with my friend who is good at it, I show them what I want then they go back abit later and hagle for it because if its me ,I dont bargain ever, I find it so annoying. And then because I dont keep track of prices I also usually cant tell what price the norm, usually I go to the shops at the back or somewhere near there thats obscure then whatever their price , I quote it to the other person with the design I like and tell them I have no other money,take it or leave it. But no bargaining.
If you know how to make me laugh I cant hold a grudge against you. You know like how theres supposed to be a silent treatment period when you are mad at someone. If you know something that theres no way I can help but laugh about and you make the face or do the impression, I will just burst out laughing. Impressions kill me. A good impression of some thing I find very funny. In high school my classmates would ask me to do an impression of Sandra of 227. None of them would be seated by the time I was done, they’d all be on the floor.
The post asked “What simple THING”, that’s singular meaning one, kisha umeandika a whole essay. The simple thing you’re bad at is following instructions.