Amen to that
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A married lawyer who earns millions but still works as a part time prostitute
Married lawyer mum works as part-time prostitute making '£45,000' in three weeks - Mirror Online -
A Brazilian lawyer who left a high paying law career to become a prostitute
Brazilian lawyer dumped career to become a PROSTITUTE -
A female US athlete by the name Suzzy Hamilton who was winning several gold medals but was still a prostitute.
Olympian Turned Vegas Escort Suzy Favor Hamilton: Why I Was Having Sex for Money - ABC News -
A CEO’s wife who is a secret prostitute when the husband has gone to work:D:D:D
Exec's Wife Makes Thousands As Part Time Prostitute While He's Away On Business | HuffPost
And there are many many more :D:D
Alright, let me go through the links. I like to debate with people like you who try to give me evidence rather than expecting me to take their word for it or bcm belligerent .
I am seeing this links are individual cases that can not be verified. Do you have anything that is based on empirical research with a sizeable sample size. We can’t apply characteristics to the population if the sample is not representative and having atleast 1000 respondents. Again your articles do not show stratification of the individuals mentioned in terms of the type or Cadre of prostitution. Like street prostitution, massage parlor, brothel, Webcam, high end escorts or the girlfriend experience. All sex workers are not equal.
How about the ones without kids? What is their reason for selling
Hehe ziko zitafute utajionea, ni venye sina time
Let’s do this like people who have been to school.
1)The estimated number of prostitutes in the US is 2 million.
2)Prostitution is one of the most dangerous professions in the country; worse than Alaskan fisherman, or loggers, or oil rig workers. According to recent statistics, the death rate for prostitutes in the U.S. is 204 out of every 100,000. For fishermen, it is 129 out of every 100,000. Also, the average prostitute gets physically (but non-lethally) attacked approximately once a month.
So the only option to support family is to join prostitution.
Let’s look at the types. Obviously some are more dangerous than others. And some pay more.
[SIZE=5]Red light districtsEdit[/SIZE]
Although informal, red light districts can be found in some areas of the country, such as The Block in Baltimore. Since prostitution is illegal, there are no formal brothels, but massage parlors offering prostitution may be found along with street prostitution. Typically, these areas will also have other adult-oriented businesses, often due to zoning, such as strip clubs, sex shops, adult movie theaters, adult video arcades, peep shows, sex shows, and sex clubs.
[SIZE=5]Street prostitutionEdit[/SIZE]
Street prostitution is illegal throughout the United States. Street prostitution tends to be clustered in certain areas known for solicitation. For instance, statistics on official arrests from the Chicago Police Department from August 19, 2005, to May 1, 2007, suggest that prostitution activity is highly concentrated: nearly half of all prostitution arrests occur in a tiny one-third of one percent of all blocks in the entire city of Chicago.[25]
A study of violence against women engaged in street prostitution found that 68% reported having been raped and 82% reported having been physically assaulted.[26]
A variation of street prostitution is that which occurs at truck stops along Interstate highways in rural areas. Called “lot lizards”, these prostitutes solicit at truck stop parking lots and may use CB radios to communicate.
In today’s society there is a hierarchy amongst prostitutes and an even greater distinction between indoor workers and outdoor workers. The indoor prostitutes occupy the top tier to include independent call girls, and workers in brothels and massage parlors. The outdoor street walkers occupy the lowest level and are more likely to experience abuse.[27] Two hundred and forty prostitutes, one hundred and fifteen outdoor and one hundred twenty-five indoor, were interviewed for a study about victimization. Weitzer, R (2005) noted that indoor workers experienced less harm compared to outdoor workers:
Type of abuse Outdoor workers Indoor workers Robbed37%10%Beaten27%1%Slapped, punched, kicked47%14%Raped22%2%Kidnapped20%2%
The outdoor prostitutes or streetwalkers are the most recognized sex workers, but they make up a very small number of workers. Cunningham & Kendall (2011) report that only 20% of prostitutes work on the streets. The indoor workers have more freedom to choose their clients and set boundaries that contribute to their safety. The above numbers contribute to the arguments against prostitution, which clearly affect one type of sex worker.[28]
[SIZE=5]Escort or out-call prostitutionEdit[/SIZE]
In spite of its illegality, escort prostitution exists throughout the United States from both independent prostitutes and those employed through escort agencies. Both freelancers and agencies may advertise under the term “bodywork” in the back of alternative newspapers, although some of these bodywork professionals are straightforward massage professionals.
The amount of money made by an escort differs depending on race, appearance, age, experience (e.g., pornography and magazine work), gender, services rendered, and location. Generally, male escorts command less on an hourly basis than women; white women quote higher rates than non-white women; and youth is at a premium. In the gay community, one escort agency in Washington, D.C., charges $150 an hour for male escorts and $250 an hour for transgender escorts. That agency takes $50 an hour from the escort. In larger metropolitan areas such as New York City, extremely attractive white American female escorts can charge $1,000–$2,000 per hour, with the agency taking 40%-50%.[29]
Typically, an agency will charge its escorts either a flat fee for each client connection or a percentage of the prearranged rate. In San Francisco, it is usual for typical heterosexual-market agencies to negotiate for as little as $100 up to a full 50% of a woman’s reported earnings (not counting any gratuity received). Most transactions occur in cash, and optional tipping of escorts by clients in most major U.S. cities is customary but not compulsory. Credit card processing offered by larger scale agencies is often available for a service charge.[30]
Escorts and escort agencies have historically advertised through classified ads, yellow pages advertising, or word-of-mouth, but in more recent years, much of the advertising and soliciting of indoor prostitution has shifted to internet sites. Sites may represent individual escorts, agencies, or may run ads for many escorts. There are also a number of sites in which customers can discuss and post reviews of the sexual services offered by prostitutes and other sex workers. Many sites allow potential buyers to search for sex workers by physical characteristics and types of services offered.
Internet advertising of sexual services is offered not only by specialty sites, but in many cases by more mainstream advertising sites. Craigslist for many years featured an “adult services” section of this kind. After several years of pressure from law enforcement and anti-prostitution groups, Craigslist closed this section in 2010, first for its U.S. pages, then some months later internationally. In March 2018 the personals section of Craigslist was closed down. In 2017, the “Adult” section of Backpage was closed down.[31]
[SIZE=5]Brothel prostitutionEdit[/SIZE]
With the exception of some rural counties of Nevada, brothels are illegal in the United States.[32] However, many massage parlors, saunas, spas, and similar otherwise-legal establishments serve as fronts for prostitution, especially in larger cities. Often, parlors are staffed by Asian immigrants and advertise in alternative newspapers and on sites like Craigslist and Backpage. They tend to be located in cities or along major highways.[33]
[SIZE=5]Child prostitutionEdit[/SIZE]
The prostitution of children in the United States is a serious concern.[34][35] More than 100,000 children are reportedly forced into prostitution in the United States every year.[36][37]
In 2007, a scholarly article stated an immigration issue pertaining to the difference between underage females committing this crime as citizens and non-citizens stating, “Furthermore, a 14 year old Chinese girl trafficked into the country for use in prostitution would be viewed as a victim and offered a temporary visa, protection, and support services. A 14 year old American girl in Boston arrested for prostitution would be seen as a criminal and may end up in a juvenile facility (Lustig, 2007).”[38]
Please note that the countries with the best data on sex workers are not even on the list of the highest number of prostitutes so even that data may not be representative of the average prostitute across the world and in a 3rd world countries like Kenya
[SIZE=5]Here are the ten countries with the most sex workers per 10,000 people[/SIZE]
10. Thailand: 45 sex workers per 10,000
Prostitution is actually illegal in Thailand, however in practice it is tolerated and partly regulated.
9. Germany: 49 sex workers per 10,000
Unlike other European Union countries, prostitution, even street prostitution, is wide spread, organized, and legal in Germany. It’s little wonder when you consider that organized prostitution in the country dates back to the 1200’s AD.
8. Malaysia: 52 sex workers per 10,000
Prostitution is huge in Malaysia, however the dark side is strong. The United States has put Malaysia on the blacklist of countries with the worst cases of human trafficking and human rights abuse, including child prostitution.
7. Brazil: 53 sex workers per 10,000
The act of prostitution itself (exchanging sex for money) in Brazil is legal, but it is illegal to run a brothel or to employ prostitutes in any other way.
6. China: 60 sex workers per 10,000
Prostitution is illegal in China but has been relegated to the status of a misdemeanor. Some researchers have conservatively estimated that there are as many as 10 million active prostitutes in China at any given time who contribute as much as five percent to the country’s annual GDP as most of the earned income, although not taxed, goes back into the economy through consumption.
5. Nigeria: 63 sex workers per 10,000
A sex tourism market for divorced older western women is on the rise in the country.
4. Philippines: 85 sex workers per 10,000
The Philippines offers female company in the form of “bargirls”. Girls here often wear their “bargirl” ID tags in noticeable places, and are supposed to be regularly tested for STDs.
3. Peru: 102 sex workers per 10,000
Prostitution is legal for women over 18 years of age if they register with municipal authorities and carry a health certificate, and brothels must be licensed. Sadly, child prostitution in Peru has doubled in recent years.
2. South Korea: 110 sex workers per 10,000
Despite legal sanctions and police crackdowns, prostitution continues to flourish in S Korea, while sex workers continue to actively resist the state’s activities.
1. Venezuela: 119 sex workers per 10,000
Poor economic conditions in the country have tripled the number of sex workers here; even so, only one fifth of the workers actually are born in Venezuela.
Jokes aside
Jokes aside, this is really sad.Is this woman still alive?
Prostitution is easy money for women…u don’t need a CV, your conscience and greed is what matters…as long as a woman expects monetary return from having coitus…to me that’s a prostitute…it’s a willing seller willing buyer market of sorts
There are a number of difficulties involved in collecting meaningful prostitution statistics. For example, the greater visibility of some forms of prostitution, such as street prostitution, makes statistics on these forms easier to collect. However, in some countries street prostitution forms a much smaller part of the sex industry than indoor prostitution. Similarly sex workers with health, addiction and other support needs are more likely to be known to the authorities and hence easier for researchers to contact, but may not be representative of prostitution as a whole.National Ugly Mugs, a support organisation for sex workers in the United Kingdom, has identified several factors making it difficult to collect statistics for the sex industry, including low response rates, the small scale of research compared to the size of the sex industry, and the diversity of the industry. As a result published statistics are often conflicting and contested.[2]
In countries where prostitution is illegal, the use of arrest data to create general prostitution statistics can be misleading. The majority of prostitutes are never arrested, and those who are can often be charged with other offences instead. Class bias may be introduced into the statistics as a result of police officers being more likely to arrest street prostitutes than high-class call girls. In comparing one area with another there may be differences in the definition of a crime, the police enforcement rate, and the possibility of the inflation of arrest figures or the under-reporting of crime.[3]
Due to the unregulated and often illegal nature of the work, only estimates are available for the number of prostitutes in a country. The numbers for a country can vary considerably dependent on the source. Some countries’ numbers may suffer from poor methodology. In other cases, results may be influenced by whether the organisation producing the numbers is for or against the nature of the work. Where available, figures are taken from Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS2016 “Sex Workers: Size Estimates.”
As at 2018 in Kenya there were for every 10,000 people(not clear if they were all male and their age bracket) there were 35 prostitutes(also not sure if male prostitutes are included). It’s slightly lower for US.
Prostitution Statistics: What You Need to Know,” wrote:
[INDENT]“According to Foundation Scelles, as reported in Le Figaro:
[li]Worldwide there is an estimation of 40-42 million prostitutes.[/li][li]80 percent of the world population of prostitutes are female and range in age between 13-25.[/li][li]90 percent of all prostitutes are dependent on a pimp.While these statistics about prostitution are just touching the surface, they indicate the extent of the sex-for-sale industry worldwide.There are an estimated 1-2 million prostitutes in the United States…[/li]A look at male prostitution statistics shows that of the 40-42 million prostitutes in the world, 8-8.42 million are thought to be men… In a report published by the Juvenile Justice Information Exchange, 50% of the 100,000 children trafficked for sex are boys.”
Support parents and siblings at home
She was 2 weeks ago. I am sure he will do another follow up on her.
[SIZE=7]The Real Face of Prostitution[/SIZE] employees await customers at the Love Ranch brothel in Crystal, Nev. (John Locher / AP)
“I honestly believe it stops rape,” Benjamin told me. “It allows men to let off steam and have our natural urges met.” Benjamin was talking about the benefits of prostitution. It is good for women, he argued, because rather than rape, men can have sex how and when they want by paying for it with a prostituted woman. For men, it ensures their needs are met. In Benjamin’s view, everyone is happy.
But his assertions are as far from the reality of the sex trade as possible. Men are notprogrammed to rape if they cannot get immediate access to sex, and there is no such thing as a “right” to sex. “When men claim that prostitution reduces rape,” sex trade survivor Fiona Broadfoot says, “What they really mean is that it is OK to rape prostituted women, which is how we experience sex with johns. [SIZE=7]Prostitution is rape.[/SIZE]
Over the past two decades, I have interviewed scores of men who pay for sex—in legal brothels and illegal massage parlors, and on the street. I have heard every justification from these men, including one about helping women feed their kids with the money exchanged for sex. Although prostitution—both buying and selling sex—is illegal across most of the U.S., very few sex buyers are ever arrested.
Prostituted women, however, are heavily and unjustly criminalized, despite evidencethat the vast majority are coerced and exploited into the sex trade.
Nevada is the one state in which prostitution—including pimping, brothel owning and sex buying—is legalized. It is allowed in only seven of its counties, but research into the Nevada sex trade shows that legalization has resulted in prostitution becoming normalized across the entire state. The majority of visitors to Las Vegas believe that prostitution is completely legal in the city. That allows men to easily justify paying for sex.
With debate currently raging in Nevada about whether or not to close its legal brothels, and pro-prostitution lobbyists in New York City now pushing for its sex trade to be decriminalized, it is imperative that the focus shifts from the women selling sex to the men who drive the demand.
That is why recently published research on men who pay for sex, by Demand Abolition (DA), a U.S. group that campaigns against sexual exploitation, is both timely and vital.
Its research shows that the majority of men in the U.S. choose not to pay for sex, but that the “creeping normalization” of the sex trade leads to a prevailing view that prostitution is a victimless crime. And in countries and states with legalized prostitution, rates of sex trafficking increase.
[SIZE=6]The Underbelly of the Sex-Trade Industry[/SIZE]
The DA research is based on the behavior and attitudes of johns. More than 8,000 adult men across the U.S. were interviewed, and a number of sex-trade survivors were asked to give their views on the research and make recommendations for change. One survivor involved in the research is Marian Hatcher. Hatcher, a victim advocate in the anti-trafficking division of Chicago’s Cook County Sheriff’s Office, was one of the peer reviewers.
“The report benefits survivors by acknowledging [that] the unequal playing field needs to be leveled, holding buyers accountable,” Hatcher says. “It provides victims and exited abolitionist sex-trade survivors [with] hope, hope that they will live in a society that provides exit opportunities and educates would-be buyers of the harms. I would like to see the policy recommendations in the report applied to both the illegal and legal sex trade. You cannot adequately impact one without the other. Together they promote the commodification of human beings, promoting violence against women and girls.”
The DA interviews focused on “push factors” (why men pay for sex) and potential deterrents. The group considers the act of paying for sex harmful, both to the women who are exploited and to wider society, because a global culture of misogyny is on the side of the john.
There are some universal similarities about men who pay for sex. Research I conducted with Melissa Farley, a clinical psychologist and coordinator of the California nongovernmental organization Prostitution, Research & Education, found that among U.K. johns, one key push factor was peer pressure from other men, within the culture of acceptance that surrounds prostitution.([COLOR=rgb(184, 49, 47)]this sounds like ktalk sex and relationships forum)
The U.K. research concluded that even the lightest of deterrents, such as the threat of arrest, the risk of family members or employers being informed of johns’ actions, or details being added to a police database, can be effective. Aside from entrenched buyers, such deterrents would usually make men think twice about paying for sex.
The DA findings tell us that only about 6% of American men who pay for sex (outside the legal zones in Nevada) report having been arrested for it. When buyers perceive that risk, it could lead them to alter their activities. About one-quarter of buyers “strongly agree” that “the risk of arrest is so high I might stop.”
The DA research found that what the group referred to as “high-frequency” buyers account for a disproportionately large share of the illegal sex trade.
There is a lot of money involved in the sex trade, with much of it going to pimps, brothel owners and drug dealers. On average, American sex buyers spend more than $100 per transaction. Prostitution generates vast profits—estimated at $1 billion a year in the U.K. and $186 billion globally. It is capitalism at its most ruthless and predatory, with human beings as the products.
[SIZE=7][COLOR=rgb(184, 49, 47)]How is it, then, that so many men consider the pinnacle of women’s freedom as being penetrated by multiple male strangers?[/SIZE] And why have so many leftist individuals and organizations, such as the International Labour Organization and Amnesty International, adopted the pro-prostitution line?
These so-called human rights organizations take the “sex work is work” line, despite the adoption of the Nordic Model, or, as it is increasingly referred to, the Abolitionist Model, by Sweden, Norway, Finland, Northern Ireland, the Republic of Ireland, Israel and France. Under this approach, prostituted people are decriminalized and given assistance in exiting the sex trade, but the buyers are criminalized. Although there is significant and growing support for the Abolitionist Model, those who believe in the inalienable right of men to buy sex consider it an abomination. When the law was being debated in France in 2013, a group of high-profile French intellectuals signed a petition that stated: “Some of us have gone, go, or will go to prostitutes—and we are not even ashamed.” They added, “Everyone should be free to sell their charms, and even to love doing it.”
A recent op-ed in Teen Vogue by a South African doctor, titled “Why Sex Work Is Real Work,” made the claim that “[t]he clients who seek sex workers vary, and they’re not just men. The idea of purchasing intimacy and paying for the services can be affirming for many people who need human connection, friendship, and emotional support. Some people may have fantasies and kink preferences that they are able to fulfill with the services of a sex worker.” Aside from the disgrace of a publication aimed at girls and young women promoting commercial sexual exploitation as a viable career option, such propaganda perpetuates feelings of male sexual entitlement.
The continued existence of the sex trade relies on misogyny, class prejudice, racism, colonialism and imperialism. “If leftists can’t see how harmful the sex trade is to women,” says Bridget Perrier, a Native Canadian survivor, “you would think they would give a damn about the racism and colonialism it is built upon.”
Many of the 50 sex-trade survivors with whom I spent time while researching my book on the global sex trade, “The Pimping of Prostitution: Abolishing the Sex Work Myth,” told me about the racism, bigotry and prejudice they faced as women of color. Indeed, many black sex-trade survivors link their prostitution experience to that of slavery. Vednita Carter, an African American sex-trade abolitionist, says, “The slave-trade era is where sex trafficking began for African American women. Even after slaves were free, black women and girls were still being bought and sold. Today, there are too many poor urban areas that middle-class men drive through for the sole purpose of finding a woman or girl of color to buy or use.”
In the U.S., prostituted women are disproportionately young African Americans and other women of color. One john I interviewed in a legal Nevada brothel told me that the main reason he paid for sex was so he could “try out different colors of chicks without dating them.”
“I’m not going to take a black or Latino to meet my folks,” he told me, “but they sure are hot to fuck.”
According to the DA research, buyers and non-buyers hold strikingly different views on masculinity and sex buying. Non-buyers are much more likely than buyers to say that purchasing someone for sex involves treating females as objects, and that those actions exploit others. Active buyers are very likely to say they are “just guys being guys” or “taking care of their needs.” But the research also found that many men who have bought sex in the past wish to stop. About one-third of active buyers interviewed said that they do not want to do it again.
Nevertheless, the strongest support for legalizing the U.S. sex trade, aside from the pimps and brothel owners, comes from buyers.
Many active buyers believe that the women “enjoy the act of prostitution” and “choose it as a profession.” During a recent trip to Amsterdam, I met a young man in the notorious window brothel area who told me he had first paid for sex when he was 12. “My father took me to a brothel, and said I would learn to be a man,” he told me. “It is legal here, so there is no problem.”
Prostitution is, in fact, fraught with danger. A review of homicides of women in street prostitution found that they are 60 to 100 times more likely to be murdered than other women. Johns and pimps are the main perpetrators of homicide and other violent crimes toward prostituted women—in 2017, between 57% and 100 percent of homicides of prostituted women in the U.S. were committed by sex buyers.
Research by Farley has found that men’s acceptance of prostitution helps to encourage and justify violence against women; DA research reached a similar conclusion. When men feel entitled to rent the inside of a woman’s body for one-sided sexual pleasure knowing that she is consenting because of the cash, it is no wonder that these men consider women to be subservient to them—an attitude that breeds contempt.
“Look, men pay for women because he can have whatever and whoever he wants. Lots of men go to prostitutes so they can do things to them that real women would not put up with,” one john told me. I have heard countless men describe the act of prostitution as masturbation without the effort.
The DA report concludes with recommendations that are endorsed by the sex-trade survivors who helped analyze the findings. One is to roll out public education messages that challenge the normalization of sex buying, and to focus on education and public health sectors to spread the word about the realities of the sex trade. Another is to implement mandatory minimum fines for convicted johns, which would go toward exit services for the women, education programs aimed at johns, and the policing of sex buyers.
The research could make a difference, by providing more evidence of the harms of prostitution, and by helping those struggling with the polarized debate on whether we are talking about “sex workers’ rights” and “women’s agency,” or the commercial sexual exploitation of vulnerable, prostituted people. What is needed, alongside such research, is for every one of us to imagine a world without prostitution, and to ask the question, “Why does it exist?” [COLOR=rgb(184, 49, 47)][SIZE=7]In a world where women and girls were liberated from male supremacy, in which we could live as equal human beings, prostitution would be starved of oxygen.[/SIZE]
5:48 -6:45 (1st video) Talking about being governd what she does and they controlling the clients to be extra horny.
2:16 -2:31(2nd video) Talking about being a clone and they controlling the clients to beat her up.
(3rd video Talking about they don’t want me to say much.His dad is a clone
Are this girls high on crack or the government doing some crazy experiments on them. The matrix type of shit.
I think she had a mental illness but it deteriorated rapidly due to the circumstances of addiction, prostitution and living on the streets, and not enough sleep.