What makes oil to turn black after just a small mileage of even kedo 200kms?
Fanya engine flush before oil change
Hio ni nini?
Kuna special oil ya kuosha engine after draining the old oil. Inaosha for a few minutes alafu unaweka oil mpya. Ask your mechanic.
Uchafu wa kawaida. You may wanna ‘flush’ that engine at your next service. Na utumie high quality oils, chunga usiuziwe counterfeits.
Google hujibu Maswali kama chizi! Hehehe!
What [B][I]causes[/I][/B] oil to turn black
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Why is my oil black?
Oil can be very, very dark (black even) and still be effective. However, as a general rule: New, clean oil is amber in color. As engine oil gets darker, it can indicate a) high heat, b) contaminants, or c) the presence of additives that cause the oil to darken during normal use.
[SIZE=4]Engine Oil Discoloration Guide - What Different Oil Colors Represent[/SIZE]
parts.olathetoyota.com › blog › engine-o…
[SIZE=4]Why does engine Oil go Black immediately? - …[/SIZE]
www.team-bhp.com › … › Technical Stuff
Dec 18, 2006 - 15 posts - 11 authors
They told me its the carbon which causes this blackness, and as … is your car a diesel ? in diesels oil tends to turn black quite early , the …
[SIZE=4]Yet another, what causes oil to turn black thread? | Automotive …[/SIZE]
https://www.bobistheoilguy.com › forums
Sep 11, 2006 - 11 posts
First off, I did do some searching, seemed like several poeple have differing opinions on what turns oil black. The reason I ask is …
Why is synthetic oil getting so black?
15 posts
9 Jan 2012
What makes used oil turn dark?
15 posts
3 Jun 2004
Curious…Oil darkens quick, any problems?
13 posts
23 Feb 2004
Why does oil get dark? | Passenger Car Motor Oil (PCMO …
15 posts
25 Mar 2003
More results from www.bobistheoilguy.com
[SIZE=4]Why Does Car Engine Oil Go Black ? | Naked Science Forum[/SIZE]
https://www.thenakedscientists.com › for…
Aug 1, 2007 - I know why wifeys toast goes black but why does car oil go black … some of the oil lubricating the cylinders) it will also make carbon.
The wear and tear of metal due to friction of moving parts in your engine
Kama Ni diesel engine hiyo Ni very normal. Hata 10minutes itakuwa black
Ikiwa kuna kitu hunichosha ni watu hu copy kila kitu kwa webpage then paste here, don’t be lazy, do some editing
That’s normal as it plays its role to take away heat from your engine.(cooling). Engine oil has an interval when you should drain it based on the level of additives. However you should be worried if it gets more viscous and sticky.
it is due to heat. oil does get hot in the engine.
and please, next time, place this in the right section: Motoring
ama @admin , @Deorro you can move this there