What is a fair price for a Nissan Wingroad

Registration year 2008 or 2009 and not locally used. What would be a good approximation for what such a car might cost?

850k on the higher side though!

There is a guy selling one at 580K. Says its not locally used. Mileage is under 100K. Is this price realistic ama the deal is too good to be true?

Just forgot to put 8 before 5. Chunga hii watu! Probable hoax… presently customs stands at 450k max

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I thought the deal looked fishy. There must be something seriously off about the car that the dealer is not disclosing. Thx



:smiley: same as the chicken wings bucket ya KFC?..i have a song…"am in my wingroad, with my wingman, eating my chicken-wings celebrating my wings-to-fly scholarship.


meet me at the packing lot apo junction maul beibs

:wink: the parking looks full, traffic stretching all way down to Riara

am already thea. jst mpesa ndio nlipe bill. tks. yr so kind.

hun please head to subway and grab me a sandwich, smoked turkey will do for me.

okei. pls umetuma? use my othr number. miss u.

Any volunteer atumie Nef 3K plus 49 bob?

bae nimetuma + ya kutoa. plse pay for parking too. wont stay for long

cul. pls bring sosauge and tht nyce yogat ulinibaiya last tym. ua my lyf.

Go to SBT Japan, or Tradecarview or any such website. Check the average price for Wingroad 2008 or 09. Then visit an online duty calculator e.g. ushurucalc.com and do the maths for the minimum price he used to import the vehicle.

bae bringin ze yogat, smoked or fired sosej?..will move even n earth 4 ya…xxoo

the smokeyd 1. aki ur caring. alafu dnt forget that 17k for my mums fridge. will do u sum nyc things leo usiku :*

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oh! almost 4gt ua mums fridge, n urs also needs an upgrade my budlights couldnt fit [SIZE=2]aki tonyt i will mek you salleda[/SIZE]