Ruto takes over are rules with an iron fist for 30 years
You remind me of the words by Githu Muigai about people who say “The constitution is very clear.” In most cases, they really don’t know the constitution. If the president dies, the DP takes over for the remainder of the term. If the remainder is more thatn 2.5 years, the DP will be eligible for only one term. However if it is less, the DP is eligible for 2 other terms.
Trust me on this : REVOLUTION will follow immediately… You can take that to Mattress Bank
Kwani hii nchi ni ya mama yao?
what stage is it?
It’s THE BIG question in the minds of villagers who have been left confused in the grips of Jubilee corruption shafting orgies
And who will lead this revolution? You? You underestimate Ruto machinations. Once the “revolution” will be extinguished, Everyone will be lining up to support him.
Street murmurs say Ni kubaya ,iko 2
There was a time writing such words was considered treason, sijui kama bado ni hivyo. The era of Njonjo.
Anyway I do believe the katiba has an answer to this question. This is a democracy after all. This is not Kenya 1978.
i heard about it from a very senior person, probably it is true and that is why matters sucession are on overdrive
@kalenjinkirdit and @Karoga, you remind me of the Moi throat-cancer stories of the late 80’s. The Geezer’s still with us.
He he he… My Salty I will never be roasted in another Jubilee shafting session
:D:D Haiya cheza tu. Unajua unaweza okotwa uende ukaseme ulijulia wapi.
Hata labda sio C word. Ni ka disease kengine tu. If it was bad the man would probably be bald and super skinny and very dark… and he would be in the most expensive hospital on earth pale Germany ama Austria with half of Nairobi hospital specialists travelling with him just in case.
It’s true…Kule Karen hakulaliki… It is tumultuous moment at Karen for WSR: Hata no 2 ameongeza personal security… No one seems to trust the other…and that’s how Jubilee Season 2 ends
you probably have sme senior people on your speed dial, you can ask them
this was done a long time ago, there is never enough security
Si you already informed us that a very senior person gave you the lowdown?
Na wewe @Kalenjinbandit your emoji betrays the times… Of late, I 've started feeling solidarity with WSR… After being used by UK now he is being dumped like a cheap prostitute… There’s nothing to smile about because the future of this nation is hanging on a cliff
i meant you should confirm independently from your own source
kutumika ni kawaida, whether he suceeds on reversing it depends on him