What if Satan was the good guy! Could it be that humans wrote the bible without knowing who the true God/god is? As a scientist, I work with hypotheses. I test them in lieu of existing knowledge to check if they hold or not. We do not discriminate, so we readily entertain all kinds of hypotheses.
Christians and Muslims have always prayed to their respective gods without nothing concrete to show. Time and again they often rely on science to get solutions. Just check the ongoing pandemic. In pursuit of knew knowledge, what if christians and Muslims change tack and start worshipping the Satan/devil? We will the use the results to test the hypothesis and make inferences in terms of who is more powerful. If the devil proofs more effective, why not? I will drop my materialistic school of thought and worship the mighty satan
You are just anatha religious and superstitious “scientist”! You are talking about worshipping and so that involves believing in supernatural beings or forces, be they gods or demons!
There is nothing like God, gods, Satan, the devil, ghosts, angels…
Indeed it is a scientists job to question everything but mate your argument is…strange. Its all over the place. You will use the results of what exactly? This argument rejects the existence of God but accepts the existence of Satan that is quite bizarre. The same argument then proceeds to pit the two against each other to determine their might when you have already rejected one entity and go one step further by saying that you will worship the winner therefore creating your own “God” which is baffling considering you just said there is no logical evidence for such an entity. I’m also not sure you understand what a materialistic school of thought means either.
Almost none of what you mentioned is how a scientist works. It is good to question but it seems you dont fully understand your own views
The problem is,we only have one side of the story,and you know how that goes. If you read the bible you would see that god is actually the bad guy here…
And is Lucifer was a bad guy,how did he/she/it manage to convince a third of the angels in heaven to rebel against the creator? Plus how is satan/lucifer/devil the father of lies,alidanganya nani?
The devil is truly the worst liar ever. What are these arguments, surely?? The devil is indeed very, very bad, he hates you with a perfect hatred. Usidanganywe. Kweli these are the last days.
You’re deceived. God is veeerry real brother. The Bible, all of it is REAL.
I can’t say there is no god/Gods for that matter. Atheists can’t also proof the contrary.But I can say, with conviction, that of indeed he/she exists, then he/she is powerless or dead at best.
the idea of Satan came from the Egyptian God Seth, kitambo, most cultures likened their gods to humans, they had complex personalities and were not as perfect as modern gods, Zeus is promiscuous and will impregnate anything, we have the goddesses of love and fertility Ishtar, Aphrodite, Isis, and their priestesses fucking everyone who worshipped their goddesses and made offerings at their temples, whoever came up with christianity understood the celebrity mentality simple people have, a perfectly good God to save everyone and a purely evil one to terrorize them, the ultimate hero epic,. Indians, I think are the only remaining demographic that still practice religion the way it should be practiced, ombea mwenye anakusaidia, and replace them with something else if they don’t help you, that’s how people practiced before Islam and Christianity came along and were used as political dick measuring contests.
Have you considered the possibility that your brain could be faulty? I can prove to you that your brain is faulty because you can’t remember everything that happened yesterday let alone 1 year ago. How then can you trust a faulty measuring device to give you a correct assessment?
My experiment will not be to "find evidence for the existing of gods. I will adopt the position of a religious person and assume that they do exist. An inductive research approach allows the researcher to get involved with the research albeit with a level of bias. So, I will adopt an interpretivism philosophy, which will lead to an inductive approach. The data is non-numeric so I will adopt a qualitative research strategy, say recursive analysis or grounded theory. The study will be longitudinal and not cross sectional.In the end, we can show between your god and satan is powerful
Yeah, right! God is real and “he” must be as the Bible portrays him. What about the Indian gods? What about everything else that is regarded as a god by the worshipers and others, including the Christians, what about them? If they don’t count to you as a Christian, that’s just how much your Bible God doesn’t count to them either! And then all Gods and gods don’t count to me, as a non-believer.
How can you explain the fact that this Bible was written by several authors who didn’t know each other, and each produced a coherent message that can be verified by historical and archaeological accounts? Although to be honest, even if there was not a single shred of physical evidence I would still be a Christian. It’s the best way of life.
I’m not shouting. All of our brains are faulty is my point.