What I support in constitutional change

It has been long since I posted here. But if there Is to be a constitutional change…I will support the creation of a federal system of government. This should involve merging ethnic harmonious counties to come up with state governments. Counties can be merged such as Bomet Kericho to be one state, Narok Kajiado to be one state,Kisii Nyamira to be one state,Uasin Gishu Nandi Elgeyo Marakwetto be one state, MurangaNyeriKiambuKirinyagaNyandaruato be one state, Garissa Wajir Mandera to be one state, so on…the state government will be in charge of issues such as security-police, county roads, agriculture, health, primary and secondary education, taxation, population census and others. The federal government will only be for unity and will do functions such as defence, foreign relations, national and international roads, railways, ports. This will reduce tribal tensions and cases of certain tribes blaming others for their misfortune

i nearly told you umepotea sana when i saw your avatar then i read your opening statement. ethic enclaves ndizo unaita federal states? how will you get the minority keiyo and marakwet in your proposed state to be dominated by the numerically superior nandi?

At least they are all kalenjin and speak one language. They can work together. Just like The way elegeyo marakwet is currently made up of Keiyo and Marakwet and they do work together or the way Uasin Gishu is made up of Nandi and Keiyo and they work together. It may be ethnic enclaves but it is good because the states will be made up of people of similar culture and beliefs so they will work together easily just like other countries are made up of similar ethnicity…China Chinese, Japan Japanese, Germany Germans, Poland Polish…But you can’t refer this as ethInc enclaves

It is good to dream. Ni hayo tu.

you remind me of bosnia and herzegovina…would @Tarantinoh agree with this?

How’s Duluth?

This Constitution that cost us billions of shillings is getting changed to help an election loser get government position?
If Kenyans accept that then Kenyans will never make progress.
Si Liverpool walishindwa na wakakubali? What if Liverpool were to lobby so that the rules can be changed to allow them to be declared winners alongside Read Madrid?
Constitution Change [COLOR=rgb(184, 49, 47)]X
[COLOR=rgb(0, 0, 0)]Development Projects ✓

In totality, in Uasin gishu county the senator and women rep are Keiyos. The governor is Nandi. In EMC is where we got a raw deal murkomen, Tolgos and Chebaibai are all Marakwet, despite the fact that we are numerically superior, but also the fact that we saw no problems with The senator and governor and decided to give them a second term. We dropped Dr Susan Cheney a ethnic Keiyo due to her non-performance.
Come 2022 Tolgos deputy a sharp and astute gentleman shall ascend to power.
The only thing that irked us was the arrogant and abbrassive politics of Mandago since Keiyos are by nature gentle people.

This is one way tear up a country into small pieces like literally hehe

Kialen Tolgos ko keiyot. Anyway, @langatkipro can add the reduction of representatives in wards and remove that federalisation of security. Kenya is where it is in terms of peace and stability coz security has been centralized.

Na siku hizi pia si kuna Regional Coordinators? I don’t see why we should create states.

imagine that Weri.

I don’t know why sometimes I feel like I am the only one who has seen the positive impact of Mandago in Uasin Gishu or else in Eldoret town. I am a frequent visitor to that town before and after devolution and it seems there is something going on there. Correct me!

It is quite clean, it’s the fastest growing town in subsaharan Africa. He removed the hawkers from the street. He is quite good, that we all agree are his virtues. Any politician should tame his arrogance.

Don’t underestimate the impact of the DP. Saa hii lami iko kwa barabara locals could only dream of. The problems zimegeuka zikawa RTA coz watu wanapita kama rocket. I salute Mandago for reigning in of hawkers, recovery of road reserves and improvement of general security. Hardcore criminals are dropping that town like it’s hot

To start with, If we focus on the right goals for our country then the current constitution is the best for us. Problem is, those in power are stealing right, left and centre making those out of power have that feeling that the only way to live a good life in Kenya is to be in power. Secondly, I agree with you that we need to join some counties but let’s not have tribal sub-territories in Kenya. It will seem like we are bringing back the provinces and having them elect their leaders. This, I would say, is a recipe for anarchy. Coast will secede, Western will secede, Nyanza will follow and so on…let’s have Machakos, Nairobi and Kiambu as a metropolitan region under a mayor or a cabinet secretary. Then have Makueni, Taita Taveta and Mombasa as one…Meru, Isiolo, Wajir as one …Embu Tharaka Kitui as one…Laikipia Samburu, Nyeri, Murang’a as one …Nyandarua, Nakuru Kericho as one…leaders should rotate from various ethnic groups with jobs being distributed equally… and so on…

He is more focused on development but ukileta nyokonyoko atakutwanga!

Nothing to lose this second term, and it’s not like he has ambitions for a higher political office. Hata sahii Kibor akileta ile upuss yake ya first term, atakipata

What is wrong with counties that federalism will solve? If governors cannot make major strides leading small units what makes you think they will do a better job with larger units and a lot more power?

I thought the biggest problem this country faces right now is massive, uninhibited and shameless plunder of our meagre national resources by the very people (actually bandits) that take oath to protect them, rather than the size and shape of its tribal cocoons?
Help us, O Lord!