Since this contest began, theres something very special Ive discovered abt the Tumbilee Sycophants. They can never bring facts to defend their candidate. All they can do is insulting Raila. But ask them about Corruption scandals they can not deny any, kwanza theres a new one in Kenya Airports Authority of Billions, inflated tenders or even alcoholism of their candidate. They can not defend the guy at all ,at all, their one and only defence is Raila manenos and Canaan tings. Anything UK and WSR are accused of hawasemi chochote. That UK sis ate 5Billion from MOH. No comment. Mascandals kibao during their tenure.No comment. Raila Odinga Yes Comment - plenty of comments.Guys !Really? Are you this sycophantic? Hata development projects here daily are highly inflated or they are white elephants. You guys wake up from your tribal slumber and think about the country you will leave to your posterity. Because Our President Excellency Raila thinks about that posterity maybe because he is an old man but hawa wengine wawili wacha tuu. Its like Bonnie and Clyde , wizi nayo. Kenyans can barely breath. Before a week is over Billions have been looted aki even if we are so loaded this thieving will eventualy bankrupt us. Kujeni twende Canaan.

Government stop taking food out of your citizens’ mouth,leteni rejoinder kama munayo Tumbolee supporters


Hakuna mtu amekataa the regime is corrupt to the core. That is evident . What I fail to understand is why you think that NASA is any better. That is what I ridicule. The sorry state our country is in, did not start in 2013. It has been a train hurtling to self destruction since the early 70s.

So kazi iendeee ama namna gani? A looter continua?

The description of insanity is to do the same thing over even when you know it doesn’t work.Let’s try NASA and if it doesn’t work out we try someone else.

But you’ve just said it yourself. Insanity is repeating the same thing over and over. The top NASA leadership have all been in the government and all have been accused of grand corruption, land grabbing, nepotism… same stuff Jubilee is infamous for. Sielewi tofauti iko wapi.

If we are really honest, the thing to do is to overhaul everything.

How about we try someone else and not Jubilee or NASA. NASA is certainly part of the problem and not part of the solution. These niggas have been looting ever since.

Tumbilee na Naswa are just Kanu A and Kanu B.