Pure class
To this!!! Utter Classless uuuuuuuughly!!!
Inakaa rental flani, sio vile ilikuwa timeless and majestic wakati wa Uhuru na Kibaki.
Pure class
To this!!! Utter Classless uuuuuuuughly!!!
Inakaa rental flani, sio vile ilikuwa timeless and majestic wakati wa Uhuru na Kibaki.
Kasongo is also a landscaping artist a man of many talents.
You must have horrible taste in architecture, just horrible
Hauskii akona doctorate in botany?
PhD ya maua? Ndio anajiitanga scientists nayo?
Hehe. Dr. Ruto is an educated fool.
It is beautiful. build your own state house and give it class. Leave mzito Rutos state house alone.
It is classless fuuuuughly a laughing joke of everyone who sees it, it is the house built on sand for the naked King and his jesters
As a historical building ingekaa in its original form mapalace za UK ziko vile vile tangu middle ages.
See, but kaongo is classless haelewi hii maneno
Hii kalejinga imelaaniwa
kasongo lacks a good foundation, he loves vanity, and wrongly thinks that new and flashy things are good.
Statehouse now looks like a low budget machakos white house, ile ya yaliyo ndwele sipite.
mzito has just lost its meaning.
Gaidi anaona he will be there for another 50 years
Sani I will not sit idly by as you throw shade at my beloved president. Respect msito Ruto na sii tafadhali. Wewe ndio ulinipea huyu rais pamoja na his presidential staff yenye Iko na wheelbarrow na nikampokea kwa mikono miwili hata kama sikuwa namtaka. Itakuwaje Leo umtusi na kumdhalilisha rais aliye mamlakani kwa mjibu wa katiba? Koma kabisa.
Are these even the same building?
They should be , kaongo idea of architectural excellence is uninspiring and unamusing to Kenyans
@poyoloko watu wanaambia new dispensation (kicking and screaming) na hawasikii. Ati state house ilikuwa inakaa poa kitambo. Sahi si kitambo
Bombooclut… dis some mash up shit, man… for real. The fuck is this niggers problem. I’m vexed.
Those renovations were just a scheme for this thief to steal, just like the SHA SHIT, affordable slums, farting cows, schemes. Some people have very strong thieving genes.