Support your answer. (5 marks)
A.) All went to hell, otherwise, what was the point of Jesus’ death and resurrection if we could and would still end up in heaven without him?
B.) All went to heaven because it would have been unfair to throw them in hell for not believing and accepting a Jesus they never knew existed.
Something about the time of ignorance God winks at. But for you who has known, usijipendekeze na hao hawakujua.
Bahati ya mwenzio, usilalie mlango wazi
Aka Don’t think that you can share in your friend’s luck.
Jesus appearance on earth is a trivial matter today that should not keep anyone awake.
So before Jesus everyone went to heaven, after Jesus some go to heaven others hell. So is Jesus our savior or doom?
Where do you get this idea of hell.
There will be resurrection and 1000 years of Christ then those who did not know him will have the chance
if the zealots did not tell you about jesus you’d probably be on your way to heaven after banging dozens of hoes…
So they will resurrect with him or how will they know about him when they are still dead?
What do you understand by the word “resurrection”
You cannot apply logic to religion.
So achana tu nayo and believe.
Coming back from the dead.
Yes. All will be alive here on earth have their chance to learn about Jesus and make a choice
Once dead, I’m I allowed to stay dead?
So if they come back to life again, and reject Jesus, what happens to them?
It’s painful to see others getting to what amounts to a slap on the wrist while a seemingly exacting toll is levied upon you.
Yaliopita si ndwele, ganga yajayo.
Aka mopping about your circumstances gives you something to do but doesn’t get you anywhere.
Death with no hope of resurrection
Yet Matthew 13:41-42 says: 41 The Son of Man(A) will send out his angels,(B) and they will weed out of his kingdom everything that causes sin and all who do evil. 42 They will throw them into the blazing furnace, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.(C)
I uploaded a video for you did you watch it.
It is not only painful but UNFAIR.
Yes, all 3.07 minutes and seconds of it. The video says when you die you sleep, the gospel says when you die you burn. Who is right and who is wrong?