June 28, 2019, 3:22pm
It’s been a minute since I got it in here and I’ve got to say this place has turned into a pigsty. All I see now is bunch of whimps who spend all their little mental firepower on insulting women and wanking.
What happened to the more mature and sophisticated crowd that used to hangout in here? But I guess you can only hangout with this little twats for so long. This place is a shithole.
It’s called evolution, maybe if you sat in a history class you’d know that shit evolves… Kwani unafikiria ukitoka tulipause tukungoje?? Identify yourself @jerrydubiz first of his name, lord of maturity, protector of all things logic, leader of ktalkers south of the Sahara…
nyamagui, kanono alikuwa jela akichunishwa managu na Akina Abdullah
June 28, 2019, 4:16pm
It’s been a minute since I got it in here and I’ve got to say this place has turned into a pigsty. All I see now is bunch of whimps who spend all their little mental firepower on insulting women and wanking.
What happened to the more mature and sophisticated crowd that used to hangout in here? But I guess you can only hangout with this little twats for so long. This place is a shithole.
Kumanina rudi utokako wachana na ktalk ya leo
Zama hizo kuna celeb alikuwa anaitwa Atwoli alikuwa anaishi rm 254
June 28, 2019, 8:15pm
Na wale wa tukae wapi?
June 28, 2019, 8:53pm
Kule vip/maanzoni wazito hukutana, watarudi tu , ukiona like kwa hii comment jua wanachungulia.
Hehe Njeri Booties na lipsThick!
njeri booties niaje?
hii jina ilinimaliza from day one:D:D:D:D:D:D:D karibu @jerrydubiz
Blame it on @Wambusheri na dem yake @Wamaitha
Hizo ghassia alphachieth zimesumbua sanaaa