I have many moslem friends and also have many friends who converted from Islam to Christianity. I admire some characteristics that they have which I think many of us Christians can learn from and adopt. Many of these principles are in the Bible but actually Christians are lax in implementing.
1)Decent dress among women. Many Christians don’t dress in a modest way even in church. They say God looks at the heart so how you dress doesn’t matter. However those in Akorino and Repentance and Holiness dress well. The others you may not differentiate who is a believer from others because they dress like the worldy people. I know it’s hard to get decent clothes but you can buy and adjust or just get tailor made. Remember that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit, men should not be listing after it. Remember your body is a living sacrifice we offer to God. Right trousers showing your behind, low cut dresses showing your cleavage, short and tight dresses that show your legs, thighs, hips are not befitting for a child of God. We are priests and kings. Even the worldly monarchies like the British one dress conservatively. A child of God is royalty. Have you ever seen queen Elizabeth in a mini skirt or low cut, sleeveless dress? Leave such clothes to slaves. And those are worldly kingdoms how much more the kingdom of God. Always dress to reflect the dignity of God your Father. If a dress is short wear opaque leggings or stockings not fishnets , if it’s low cut take to a fundi to add a cover up or wear a camisole inside. If it’s sleeveless wear a sheer cover top or scarf to cover your arms and shoulders. A daughter of the King of Kings should not dress like a prostitute.
2)Unity:Muslims can be united in a time like this to fast together in unity across the world. For Christians even calling for joint fasting and prayer in church for a whole month is a very rare thing. The oneness in purpose to do anything jointly is a huge problem due to too much self interest. Remember that God promises that He commands a blessing where there’s unity. Unity is pleasing to God.
3)Commitment to Prayer and fasting and studying the texts of their faith
Muslims pray 5 times a day. Wherever they are, they pray. In Christianity, there are 8 prayer watches. 5 in the day. 3 at night. We are in fact supposed to pray without ceasing. Of all faiths Christians are the most prayerless people. Many have never attended any kesha or half kesha. Even praying for an hour ni shida. How can a believer survive without communion with God? Remember that when Jesus was on earth He woke up early to go up the mountain to pray. You can’t just wake up and start the day with out prayers. Leaving your house with no prayer for protection for your family. Christians also rarely fast. Fasting and even going to a prayer mountain once a year at least is really a serious necessity even if all is well. You can offer God a fast of Thanksgiving. You can go spend a week in a prayer mountain just loving on God, adoring Him and appreciating Him. It’s not just when things go wrong that you should be praying.
4)Integrity :I have interacted closely with moslem and they are actually very honest atleast the ones I’ve met. One time I was at mwembe tayari market shopping for foodstuffs and forgot my 200 Bob change. An elderly moslem man looked for me for very long bcz it’s a big market in Mombasa CBD. I was like just 200 Bob made him leave his business to look for me? Go to a Muslim owned restaurant. Never have stale food. Good portions. You don’t leave feeling conned. Christians on the other hand. Lemme not say but you know yourselves. Borrow money never return it. When the Bible says, owe nobody anything but a debt of love.
I can go on and on but you get me. All of us have good qualities that others can learn from and vice versa. Let’s learn from others to become better believers in general.