This lecture “What all Black people should know about Buddhism” is the result of the practice, prayers and exhaustive study and research of Anthony “Amp” Elmore who begin practicing Buddhism while in high school in Memphis, Tennessee in 1970. Elmore was 15 years old when Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was assassinated in his hometown of Memphis, TN in 1968. Elmore in posting this video takes up the banner of Dr. King noting that this video is part of Black struggle for equality and humanity.
While the Buddhism faith may seen unrelated to the Black struggle for freedom, justice and equality Elmore in the video explains how the true Black history of Buddhism is related to the Black struggle. Elmore explains that racism began in India 1900 hundred years ago via the cast system in India. Concurrent with the cast system was a new form of Buddhism called “Mahayana Buddhism.” Elmore explains that it was via Mahayana Buddhism created in the 2nd century A.D. by the White Kushan King Kanishka whereas Buddhism became separated by “Race, Culture and Language.” Elmore in this lecture explains that Buddhism that is practiced today is not true Buddhism and the Buddhism of today represents a history of colonization, Black exclusion, racism, cultural imperialism and delusion. Elmore provides archaeological, anthropological, literary science, genetic science and linguistic science to back us his argument that explains that the Buddhism of today is only the “cultural appropriation” of how Whites and Asians are deceiving humanity regarding the truth of Buddhism.
Original statues of Buddha show him to be of Negroid stock with the wide nose, thick lips and nappy hair.
These are typical features of Black people
Legend has it a wise skilled African visited the Middle east - asia with his wisdom transformed them and taught them the ways of a “samurai” since he resembled nothing like them they resorted to worshipping him the legend of lord Buddha was born.
Idk What up with this dieties(gods)
From Indian , greek gods , mayans ,eyptians ,asians
all the similarities with this beings could be the time períod of Noah.
Buddha wasn’t black he was born in Nepal how many black people live in Nepal. Hii upuzi ya kusema all great people were black is a joke. Jesus was not black, Buddha wasn’t black, Moses wasn’t black. King David also wasn’t black like the Ethiopians claim.
We should celebrate our own eg Mandela, Selassie, Garvey, etc not looking to the east or west.
which African religions? Voodoo ama? Do Africans have a religion really? What we have is a fusion of african traditional beliefs and Christian or Moslem concepts. Even practicing animist just mix up rituals and beliefs -ecumenically .Wakina dini ya Musambwa and Legio Maria parody Christian concepts. Can you tell us of a religion that originated from Africa, other than Santeria and Lucumi which has its origins in West African ancient empires comprising the Yoruba and Ashante people groups ( by the way upto today the chiefdoms and kingdoms are still there like though ceremonial like the Kabaka kingdom and the Lunje Wanga kingdom and the South African the Zulu kingdom) now its practiced in the Caribbean islands but infused with Catholic traditions just as Santa Muerte (the angel/patron saint of death and Jesus Maverde is the patron sa , East Africa what animist belief do we have ? I was reading a book about the Luhya traditional belief systems and its basically polytheistic were you more or less appease your ancestors who are by virtue of death demigods. Even Rastafari adherents do refer to the Bible as religious texts and worship Haile Selassie as a type of Christ or son of Jah. What is original about these religions?
The universal symbol for Buddhism in popular culture is the laughing Buddha
Which african tribe didnt have its beliefs. thats their religion. there is nothing superor about christian/budhist, muslim beliefs. they are just that.