Wetangula to be Arrested today evening

What if the gold was real but got switched?? Emiratis bought real gold. Kenyan security organs got wind of it. Seized the gold and switched it for fake gold. The real gold was shared among some high ranking government officials. I don’t think Arabs would spend that kind of money without a pro to verify the authenticity of the gold. It doesn’t make sense.

You are too clever for this kind of shit…

Wacha ufala.u expect a conman to get it from where?

Kamlesh pattni must be giggling wherever he is, alipitia hapa kama pioneer na kuponyoka peupe.

Yeye alikuwa anakamua gava kisheria

the cons begin by giving you a genuine sample - you go assay and once you confirm it’s gold they switch…
one tactical error the cons made this time is they didn’t know who they were dealing with coz their previous victims (who knew they were in an illegal business) could not turn to authorities for help.

I still can’t understand decades later people don’t still know pattni was just the errant boy. Goldenberg scandal was Intel chief Kanyotu operation. Pattni brothers may have suggested the idea but the planning, execution and getting its green light was Kanyotu. Nyayo government was broke. World bank was gullible with it’s export compensation scheme. Kanyotu refined pattni idea, got Nyayo to agree, then he put the state players and resources to get it done. Fake gold or non at all was smuggled from DRC declared its from Kakamega mines and exported fictitious to foreign buyers. The evidence was the fake paperwork from ministry of finance and central bank. That allowed government to draw out world bank funds provided to central bank for that venture. Why didn’t the world bank realize Kenya was now exporting as much gold as Ghana? Why didn’t the forex reserves at central bank rise as a result of the trade? They realized too late because their own staff were paid off. The end result is our strong shilling dropped from 15-20kshs to 1usd to 49kshs. Inflation reached 150%. Nyayo accumulated enough funds to run government despite no foreign funding and fill his pockets for another 5 years at great expense to our economy.

Am sure kama si Ramadan Kenyans in Dubai would have felt the sheikh anger.
Lakini kitaeleweka hivi karibuni.

sitaki kuongea mbaya but Weta na Zaheer walicon watu damu mbaya…mwarabu hana reverse gear…
Mwarabu atasplash to sooth his ego and honor atasplash Ksh100M to hitmen ,utapata kina Weta walichinjwa kama kuku…
RIP Weta in advance, waluhya mtafute torch na battery za kutosha za kumzika nazo

Hapo nikama unajikamua.


my brother Weta, i will call you on Monday afternoon , 3PM Kenyan time , but Inna lillahi wa inna ilayhi raji’un in advance …

this crackdown itakuwa kama ya matatu, will be serious for a few months halafu it is back to business, each gold deal in kenya is known by the state and depending on the amount the more senior the officer

What do you geniuses think?? Government officials either have money or real gold. There are 3 ways that this case would have unfolded:-

  • Emiratis bought real gold. Cops discovered. Seized the gold and switched it for fake gold.
  • Emiratis bought fake gold from the start and were conned off their money.
  • The guy tasked with the purchase colluded with local authorities to con the royal family.

The more I examine this case, the harder it becomes to support the most popular theory (2). First, the Emiratis wouldn’t spend that kind of money before testing the gold for authenticity. Second, if the Emiratis were conned outright, why hold on to fake gold and seize it?? If the gold seized at JKIA was fake, nobody would have bothered. Just my thoughts

weriiii , the issue sio these low level conmen doing what they do , shida ni a former presidential nominee of a big political party like Ford Kenya being a criminal .
Yaani , Kenya ni nchi ya ajabu Sana …yaani weta behind the expensive suits, law degree, na kizungu mingi yeye ni mwizi was kawaida tu

For a fall boy he got it pretty easy, a light sentence plus giving up laico regency which was worth about 2billion at the time. Given about 150 billion ziliibiwa, it’s scary to think about the implications such theft back in the 90s has had on our economy today.

I think hiyo story ya the “gold” being seized is a smokescreen to buy time and take the buyer in circles hadi he gives up.This is how these guys operate and have been,sorry to say,quite successful in the past.Lakini this time ni kama wamekula za mbaya.
Alafu weta saw an opportunity to milk some money from a desperate person na sasa amejipata in the mix.

Ati sample? That is a rookie move. Anyone with half a brain would test ounce after ounce. You’d have to be a noob to make such a big purchase from a sample.

they were given a sample that was good gold; of course no one would have given you the entire 23 kilos.

the seizure in the airport was a subsidiary scheme to have the cow produce more milk - the policemen were paid to pose like they had instructions of state.

There’s part 2 also