We're taking back our votes.

I voted for Jubilee, for a moment I thought Uhuru Muigai Kenyatta was the only candidate who had a realistic chance of clinging the presidency who was not tainted by corruption, he was the only without an incentive to loot Hehe stupid right? I don’t care for this other guy, he is the poster child of what’s wrong with Kenya, I thought he was going to be dropped along the way. I thought the so called senile baboon will be totall irrelevant come next election. Boy was I wrong… The ‘dynamic duo’ have overseen the the grandest looting the country has ever seen, they are hands down the most incompetent executive pair in history, how do you explain them being easly outwitted by an aging and supposedly senile baboon who is know to be exceedingly stingy, even with them flashing and throwing around money as if it’s going out of fashion. They are on even claiming now that Raira is planning to rig the election with the help of foreigners , juzi nilikuamashinani in a region that overwhelmingly supported the incompetent Duo in the last election, the people have decided, they will rather vote for a baboon to state house than the two who’re now running around like headless chicken…


Boss tumekaribia krisimasi,wacha tucomplain njaanuary…


njeribootiez wacha tukule tunyama twa hooves hii christmas january tutakumbuka kuna wale hukula liver kila siku

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you are a political assassin sent with a mission… how sure are we that you are even legit to vote…cut the mbullclap na uache tukule nyama na amani


I also voted for dida, Hehehehe, Njeribooties wacha chocha.

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Shit is going down, 2017 elections are for the opposition to lose. Lakini if people like Gov. Joho continue whipping tribal emotions, Mt. Kenya people will stick with what is safe for them, same as Rift Valley people.
Uhuruto are gonna be voted out based on issues, corruption and mismanagement. If the next Government fails to deliver, wembe utakuwa ule ule.
I propose Miguna Miguna for Nairobi Guberntorial seat.

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RAIRA will never be President !


Democracy is an illusion by elites that helps keep revolutions and anarchy at bay.


I’m humbled

MAN of late your ideologies are sambamba with mine. I agree in tribalism aspect. …we don’t need it, MM we agree there too


Lakini ata kama tunangoja Njaaanuary ndio tucomplain, tueleze hii ndio gani.

just because a few virtual voters are fed up does not mean huku mashinani ati hio ndio wimbo,huku tunasema uhuruto tena

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sema hio region ni gani

Haha…naona Mr Fleischmann aka @Wakanyama is rattled. Boss ukiita wengine virtual voters ama keyboard warriors jiweke hapo. We are all keyboard warriors until we get to vote. I say let’s wait for that vote.


Njerrydubiz=kethi kilonzo, hata kura hana

wacha tungoje,hata 2013 wimbo ilikuwa hii, only a few of us stood up to be counted huko klost

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The good thing about @Wakanyama is the fact that he says the truth. 90% of sane Kikuyus will vote Uhuru in 2017. Kenya is not America and Raila isn’t Trump.

niaje mungiki mzee

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I don’t care who wins or who loses. Hawa majamaa wote ngìma tu. I only wish it was Kibaki, because I would re-elect him again and again.

