wenye tunapenda pombe

Ukipanda matatu unafaa ujue stage yako na ushuke ukifika. Thats not what i did i started drinking alcohol on special occasions and graduated to weekends (what many would term as social drinking) and a lot has happened since then and here i am an alcoholic (am as drunk as hell as i write this). I have lost my job, most of my friends even the once whom i helped out of deepshit are the ones who kicked me when i was down, i have lost my medical cover and i only have 10k in my account with no source of income, i dont know how i shall pay rent next month or how i shall feed myself but that is a battle i shall fight once i get there, the war i must win now is the war against my alcoholism. The only good thing is now that i have lost everything i now know my true friends (friends i shall cherish and fight for without any inhibition for they did the same for me).I seek no sympathy i am just writting this hoping it would resonate with someone who is headed in the same direction as mine and it would trigger him or her to stop sliding, to stand his ground, and to punch his way out of this disease.

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@Ice_Cube the robots are evolving. See how they are learning swa and english?


change handle, the only doc here is @Luther12

This guy has a funny name, I was hoping for an equally funny hekaya…

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Pole boss. Umejaribu rehab?

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pole kwa masaibu buda boss. Find a hobby/sport to keep you occupied. You can join a gym, start jogging, join a karate club, join any sport hizi za mitaani just anything constructive but whatever you do don’t give up. You can even join a church ata kama ni ya kanyari until you kick out the habit


Eishh!!!, kula kiasi bana, but this one of yours needs a professional, hapa sio place yangu jo!



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watu wa X6 hawafai kunya naps bwana!!!


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Hehehehe no one wanted to be treated by a drunk doctor.

wenye tunauza pombe hatukunywi that much…na wewe hapa unasumbuliwa na pombe? I have over 200cases hidden in one of my bedrooms na huwa sikunywi


Upuss.I drink almost daily and I occasionally blow some trees, since I have money it doesn’t mean the first thing in the morning is kutoa lock. As I type this I have to chill and work as torturous as it feels till my beer time. You even lost a job, lol. Now grow a pair of balls and rely on yourself for everything and stop whining about friends and family. Have you ever seen a self employed person or a businessman who is alcoholic?


Pole babaa. Your typing doesnt look like from someone whos drunk the way carbon or @kawambui does. It seems you are sensible. one never knows when he is becoming an alcoholic. I have lost jobs twice due to other reasons but the major cause of it was akoho. Any friend who sees you worthless when you are down and dont have a job aint a friend. Its good now you know them. Try and get yourself involved especially zoezi na kukula poa. battling alcoholism aint easy but get through it first then things will fall into place as you are into the process. Dont lie to yourself that from tomorrow you will never drink, you will see hell next to you with all those withdrawal symptoms. go slow on it, reduce the quantity and intake frequency. Remember your have very little money to sustain you.

I can say i am clean now, i can even donate my blood to a new born baby.


You don’t kick a niccur when he is down. Jamaa has already hit rock bottom, but come to think of it most people with alcohol problems are the employed.


Kawabui is a high functioning alcoholic, I might be in the same category just maybe. * the bold part made me chuckle.

mine started that way. i posted the issue in klost some years back. I didnt know the meaning of functional alcoholic until that day when someone mentioned it to me. I was in this for quite sometime and was just ok. Wacha ile siku mawazo zilinizingua akili ndio nilivuka hiyo mpaka.

I cant live without booze, simply that. Sometimes on weekdays when I go to the pub and beer doesn’t give the kick I take around 3 and leave. The urge for hard liquor is always there btw. If he is a teenager or mid 20’s and below I would understand, else mtu akue mtu mzima wa heshima zake. I guess he is even in tartars and last bathed on Saturday.

P.S hawa ndio walifanya kukuwe na mututho law.

rehab gani ya 10k:D:D:D

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siachi pombe even if jesus needs my blood.
in hospitals they check the blood content in my alcohol