me i just dont like listening to music.I used to remix songs over my head when i was in my early teenage,when i was young and sweet.I dont get what happened but when i hit my 19, the love for music disappeared like how uwes disappears with momos,Its so worse that i only listened to music passionately when high or in a club,if not am streaming news.For movies,situation is the same.I cant finish 40 mins constant watching a movie.I only watch trailers just to get the ‘passion of heat’ and move to the next.Well,i just hope am not aging this fast.
Wea iz rant?
For me, my favourite music changes my moods. Its like taking a 30 minutes walk, the high that comes with it. Muziki ni kama sabuni ya roho.
Music is the best relaxer ever invented.
madam umewai nyonywa kuma vizuri ?
which self respecting man calls himself sweet…gaaayyy
“Music is the only sensual pleasure without vice.” - Some guy I don’t remember.
I can’t work or write without music playing in the background.