Well, this is sad


Usisahau codeine

:stuck_out_tongue: Vodka? Does it work? @fG you have a very imaginative mind.


reverse osmosis , watu wameiva chemistry aki…

:D:D:eek: hiyo ya HIV bana

There’s also weed tampons…

It’s happening out there [ATTACH=full]170459[/ATTACH]:D:D


Tuliona kabla @Purple aanze kunyesha …na vile ni kizere

hio part ya ku bypass kidney sidhani ni ukweli

Codeine is the worst kwanza especially pale USA, and opioid pia is being seriously abused:D:D

So the weed is inserted in the tampon first??
I heard they help with cramps… Not sure if it’s medically proven yet

It does :D:D:D…

Leta link nione

*vomit *
Children of feminazi are just following their mothers fine example of refusing to follow order and customs that glue the family together. Wait until those children start butchering their mothers in droves


Jaribu kuweka deek yako kwa Gilbeys uone…

ukikunywa pombe it is absorbed into the blood ukiweka vodkapon kwa coomer it is absorbed into the blood and blood is purified kwa kidney so ?

after fumes zimechapa lap moja hapo next to medulla oblongata