Sijui kama niko pekee yangu ama pia kuna watu wamekuwa na weird encounters in pursuit of Puthy. Let me give three scenarios that were borderline weird and confusing
first scenario. in campus i meet this girl kwa club, best dancer, perfect ass halafu kutop up ni mkamba so ni guaranteed jackpot. fast forward nataka kumchipo but she refuses and so i act the gentleman and offer to drop her at her place. we take a taxi and luckily ata ni neighbour living a one block away from my place. we meet a number of times na all through sijaweza kukamua coz the girl keeps insisting she is a virgin and not ready for sex. however, i get numerous blow jobs as we both wait for her to be ready:D:D. anyway at the back of my mind i am sure the girl is no virgin, but nikasema haidhuru, a nigga is not starved at the moment, na hii nikama kufuga kuku utakula tu siku moja. one day the girl comes to my place, ka movie kiasi, kupandishana nyege, and she tells me ako ready for sex but please be gentle. hapo ndio noma ilianza. i take off her clothes to see the most beautiful pussy ever and i cant explain the feeling going through my body at the moment. sasa shida ni ati i try to put a finger in that pussy, and the finger only goes through with a lot of difficulty. sasa kufika the sexual act itself, not even the tip of my dick can go through that pussy. we try and try hadi nikaboeka, and tell the girl tungoje next time. nikajiambia hapa ni experience nimekosa na kudeal na virgins and i will make a point of consulting with the boys on how to handle this rare species of girls. lets say despite all the advice i received plus extensive research on the internet i was never able to penetrate the most beautiful pussy i have ever seen. a nigga even went to the extent of buying the girl a small vibrator ndio afanye exercises za opening up that pussy during her free time, but the Return on Investment was zero, and my dick never made it past touching the lips only. i started getting frustrated and angry and shamelessly decided to leave the girl. sasa some time back we meet in another town and she has a boyfriend and i was curious (although i did not ask) to know if she finally managed to have sex. kwa medical experts ama pia life experience experts, was that pussy biologically normal, is there something i would have done differently? i usually feel stressed when i remember how close i was to entering a brand new and beautiful pussy for the first time. i am trying not to be depressed as i write this, wacha ata nipeana hizo scenario zingine baaadae.