Nime fika hapo nika stuka bana, thought ulikua Uji ondoe uhai:D:eek:
practise intermittent fasting and take green smoothies in place of meals
Marry a nagging woman. Cuts weight like hell. Anyway on a serious note:
Cut down on carbs and red meat.
Drink plenty of water
Exercise a lot.
Leave these sugary drink. Make it a priority to drink only water. Take out the unhealthy foods from your diet. Take long walks preferably in the evening when you going home. You will see change within 3 months and if you don’t consult a doctor.
I cleared high school in 2014. I used to weigh 70 kgs back then and used to wear a size 33 trouser. But getting a size 33 trouser used to be a big hustle since most trousers come in even numbers so I used to wear either size 34 or size 32 W(ide). In 2015 since being a form four leaver I used to spend most of the time idle indoors watching movies and playing PS. The result was that I gained too much weight which wasn’t good anyway. I gained 10 kgs from 70 to 80 which led me to start looking for trousers with bigger waist sizes. At that moment only size 36 trousers used to fit me. Size 34 trousers couldn’t fit me anymore so I put them away. In the same year September I got enrolled in to a parallel program in a satellite campus in town doing part time classes for some course. From 2015 I maintained the same weight. In March last year, i got a one year contract job through my dad’s connections which is to end this March (next month). I used to go to work in the morning from 8-4.30 which was favourable since my classes used to start at 5.30-7.30. The good thing is that the place of work was along Kenyatta avenue and school used to be along Moi avenue so it didn’t cause any problem.
The job mostly involved sitting behind a computer all day sorting emails, files and what not. This meant that I couldn’t do anything than just sit. From the sitting only I gained weight tremendously from 80-90. I measured myself the start of this month and found that am 90 kgs which has brought another problem. I have to wear a size 38 trouser to fit my body. Since size 36 now can’t fit me. This is a worrying trend and I have to change it since it will reach a point the size 38 trouser won’t fit me any longer. I am in the final semester of my studies with exams scheduled for the first week of April and graduations scheduled for September. With my contract coming to an end next month it means I have a few months at home to change the situation and make it right. I went for a weight loss program consultation and I found it to be bloody expensive. I would like to use natural ways of reducing my weight. Any suggestions are accepted. I would like to return to my previous weight coz I still have the size 34 trousers tucked in well in my wardrobe. Thank you. It will be a hard battle to cut down 20kgs but am prepared for it.
I think you should go for a walk (morning, evening or during the day) and also try intermittent fasting. A cup of lemonade every morning can help. And most important, stop thinking about reducing weight, start thinking of getting in shape- your weight is also mental. Tafuta kazi ya mkono!
I prefer you forget about losing weight as your main goal and start using the natural ways of losing weight as new hobbies. If losing weight rotates in your mind, then you will be adding weight. Make it your lifestyle not your solution to problems.
March 10, 2018, 6:26am
life is very funny, some wanna cut weight while others wanna gain it by all means
March 12, 2018, 9:54am
Awesome is the word
Unono na good in bed never go hand in hand. Dont argue with me, I am horny.
March 12, 2018, 1:15pm
introduce me to your wife