Weekend briefing

  1. Congress reached a deal on sweeping sanctions to punish Russia for its election meddling and aggression toward its neighbors, creating a stark choice for President Trump: veto the bill or sign it.

The new legislation sharply limits the president’s ability to suspend or terminate the sanctions, which his administration abhors.

With the investigation deepening into whether associates of Mr. Trump and his campaign conspired with Russia, Mr. Trump claimed he has “the complete power to pardon” relatives, aides and possibly himself.

But it is not clear whether a U.S. president can pardon himself. None has ever tried.


  1. The White House is restructuring its communications operation, with Sean Spicer’s colorful run as press secretary coming to an end. Sarah Huckabee Sanders will succeed him. Here are some of his memorable moments.

Mr. Spicer quit after telling President Trump that he greatly disagreed with the decision to make the financier Anthony Scaramucci communications director.

  1. Another relationship in the White House has grown increasingly strained: Jeff Sessions — who stoked the president’s ire by recusing himself from the Justice Department’s Russia investigation — said he would remain attorney general “as long as that is appropriate.”

In an interview with three of our reporters, President Trump criticized officials involved in the inquiry and said he would not have appointed Mr. Sessions had he known that he’d recuse himself. Here are excerpts and audio clips of the discussion.

U.S. spy agencies intercepted communications from Russia’s ambassador, Sergey Kislyak, in which he reported to Moscow that he’d spoken with Mr. Sessions in 2016 about issues relevant to the presidential campaign, The Washington Post reported.

Mr. Sessions initially failed to disclose conversations with Mr. Kislyak, then said they were not campaign related.


  1. A Qaeda suspect, Ali Charaf Damache, above, is the first foreigner to be brought to the United States to face terrorism charges under President Trump. He will be tried in federal court.

The move breaks from the White House’s hard-line position that terrorism suspects should be sent to the naval prison in Guantánamo Bay, Cuba.

5. Senate Republicans are grappling with the prospect of losing one of their most respected leaders, Senator John McCain of Arizona, who has brain cancer.

The specific kind, glioblastoma, is extremely aggressive and difficult to treat.

Lawmakers have banded together in support of Mr. McCain.

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  1. He will definitely Veto.
  2. Mbona huyu Scara-whatever hawakumtaka in that position, ana noma ipi?

Sande sana. Can you make it more diverse priss.

Drumpf is going home it’s just a matter of time, Mike Pence may just do a better job of the presidency in comparison but may not be able to fend of a Democrat challenger in 2020.

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In your dreams. Trump anamaliza 10 yrs kwa iyo kiti


To consider pardoning himself and the whole member of his circus team amounts to admission of guilt. An indication that pressure is mounting. I find Trump supporters naturally ignorant.

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Because you read this from twirra!?

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That was just my opinion.

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You mean 8. It’s every 4 years. In my opinion the most he can last is 4 because even diehard Republicans are pissed off at him. But he’s
Jacques le Fatalist, he’ll shoot himself in the foot.

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Huyu jamaa sioni akimaliza term moja. Hii scandal inakaa ile Watergate ya Nixon (was it Nixon). But Trump looks like he has a very thick skin and stomach a lot pressure!

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The media has become a mega hater…which only goes to make him bigger. Cant wait for his next book. Trump is a man to emulate!

Jeeez @The.Black.Templar, kweli umesoma hizo points?

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Hehe yea…nimesoma