Websites, Website Design and Web Development

Been learning web design and development; frontend, backend and with CMSs like Wordpress and Joomla and I’ve created a website, I’ve been practicing to build custom websites too.

Checkout my website for more info:

You can check it out… Leave comments and suggestions I’ll be delighted
Anyone who has web development projects we can work together, kujimarket ndio imekua shida kubwa. So kama unajua maali naeza pata works saidia mwananchi:D…But I hope everything will turn out great…

Simple front page. I like the cybernetic bulb trying to light itself background graphic. Unique. But the site is not interactive. explore button can only sroll down to a submenu, one submenu. It should pop up a submenu with links rather than scroll down. cool icons above each “about” page . They intuitively give impression of interactive but turn out to dead upon hovering or clicking. The whole thing is a scroll down site, like reading a blog thread.

Nice choice of font. Precise/concise engaging summary of web content.



Toa email & phone number (to avoid spammers),add capture kwa contact us form. Serious clients will filling in the form.

It looks good for a one pager site, you however need to include a sticky navigation bar and link it the various sections on your page using a smooth scroll css. This will enable a user to avoid scrolling endlessly with a mouse. Also, you should include a section on your page for your portfolio projects that you’ve worked on. I don’t know how long your experience is, but you take freelancer jobs and work as a contractor. Check out a site called kuhustle where there are freelance jobs for devs.

At least give him more specific feedback on what he should improve on. Also, cut him some slack for he is still in a learning process.

lets meet inbox plz

some menu might do even though it’s a one page website