Web design

Hey guys,
Am not good at web design so i need your help, i have been trying to add a border line on my homepage articles but the theme am using doesnt have the option inbuilt… I mean like this purple line separating article entry. Have tried youtube tutirials cant get what i want. [ATTACH=full]237786[/ATTACH]

weka sauce code hapa

what CMS are you using?


Bro, the basic idea of a theme is you shouldnt need to change anything as mundane as adding a pink line.

But if you want to dabble in low-level stuff like adding a pink line then

  1. Create a child theme: this way you can always revert back to the main theme if things go wrong.
  2. You will need to get your hands dirty by using the browser inspector to find the name/id/css of the div where you wanna add a pink line and then search for it in your IDE. Then use css to create the pink line.



Hi, not sure if you resolved your issue but you could also use a great plugin called YellowPencil CSS Editor for changing a ton of options in your themes. Check out the free version but it’s currently priced at $9 for the full version and is definitely worth it !

If you have a child-theme, you can go to the template code that renders your article, open it in an editor or the inbuilt WordPress code editor and add this code <hr> tag with an ID name. Then use CSS to style it.

Link to the site?


Sorry I haven’t been online for a long time. Have you resolved it?


Hello, you should consider buying some web-design services from professionals. If you let me, I can suggest you these guys https://www.gsquared.com.au/ , I’ve been checking out this site for some time, and they have some good works, the design they are making for numerous companies are always different from the other, looks aesthetic, and usually after their work, the site really grows up in visitors. A friend of mine tried their services recently, and the job they have done on his site was fabulous, it didn’t even look like the previous version this, after checking out theirs works, you will understand what I am talking about