dear ktalk,
We need to talk. Our relationship started out so well. I enjoyed the exposure my posts received, as well as the concomitant discourse with other talkers. At one point I asked for a custom title, and you graciously gave me one.
That was until I found out that you had been seeing an illiterate, homosexual talker on the side. I’m talking about @PHARMACY, a man who is so impoverished, he is unable to buy his son a proper pencil.
This is a post about my feelings. This is a post about my crying, wheezing feelings. @PHARMACY? You can do better, ktalk. There are plenty other men you could have chosen. Creative men, philosophical men, straight men, educated men. Men with big dicks. Beautiful men. But noooooo, you just had to pick @PHARMACY – a destitute, illiterate mkamba.
So goodbye, ktalk. I cannot continue to associate myself with a site that aligns itself with @PHARMACY.
Be well, everyone.