Hata waseme aje, we lost the disputed area via last week’s ICJ majority decion. In the first place it was never Kenya’s as it was acquired unilaterally by a ‘presidential proclamation’ which is just a road side declaration. Uhuru’s threats and war innuendos to protect bla bla was a loser’s face-saving act. this one court spoke clearly. We must accept and move on.
We wasted precious court years arguing with a mongoloid dysfunctional naan-eating quasi government - a puppet of Turkey managed from Eastleigh and Minneapolis. Our real contest should have been with the mighty United Republic of Tanzania. It is they that have bent the real boundary so as to ‘contain’ all the islands in their territory. Using the last week’s court decision, Kenya should sue TZ to have a border line parallel to what the ICj gave the skinny khat chewers.
Kenya should move the bulk of its naval equipment to the new disputed area. The airforce should make a habit of flying low over zanzibar especially at lunch time and make them throw up their pilau till they agree to cede half of pemba to us. We have nothing to fear about Tanzania especially if we rope in Somalia to support us. They can send us a crack pirate unit to work on the new dispute area and we use ransom to buy dar. [ATTACH=full]392461[/ATTACH]
The balance of trade btwn .ke and Tz is in favor of Kenya, and there’re so many mutual benefits between the two countries, why disrupt all that ?
Why go to war with UG over Migigo ? Furthermore, a conflict with TZ, may end up splitting Sub-Saharan country. Let Tz and UG have it.
Kenya should reclaim its reclaim its rightful territory mpaka jubaland which was stolen in 1927… The 99 year ends in 2026,January 1,0000hrs GMT
There is a small country called Switzerland. It’s so small that it’s the only country in the world that doesn’t have military. It’s smaller than rift valley.But it’s the country with the most economic power that dwarfs almost half of Africa. You know why? They focus on key economic strategies like banking… offshore rigging in Africa …
Now the region in dispute between ke and som is because of oil. Most countries are moving away from fossil fuel. If we can focus on things that matter, we will dwarf quarter of african countries just like Switzerland.
Kenya is often referred to as the Silicon Savanah lakini appointing bush men to head key government positions often and always translate to retrogressive steps. KPLC is one docket that would really propel Kenya’s industrial growth. However, a desire to reward cronies constantly sees us regressing.
Something I’ve always wondered though ,with All the bad leadership we have in Kenya ,we’re still better off than most African Countries. How???How badly off do you have to be as a country for Kenya to still be ahead of you ?
Worldwide, the energy sector is the bloodstream of sustaining industries and industrialization. That’s one sector that you don’t fcuk with, lakini hapa Kenya, tulifunga kazi kitambo sana.
We need to find a new system of governance that churns out effective leaders. I’ve always believed us copy pasting European democracy in African Nations was a stupid idea.
Even the Chinese and Singaporeans knew not to listen to the west (look at them now). Africans are not disciplined enough for democracy ,we need to be put in line if we’re being honest. The cleanest ,safest ,most effectively run country in Africa is Rwanda. The only country with a leader with the balls to say No to the west.
Kagame is a dictator but Jesus Christ I’d rather have an effective dictatorship than this democratic stupidity we have in the 254.Election violence and tribal tensions every 5 years and no one has stopped to think maybe we need to try something else.
Interesting analysis. But what are we really fighting over??? It’s nonsense!
In my view I think East Africa or rather Africa is stronger if we have a shared a coastline from South Africa … all the way to Egypt!
As things stand Kenya is building a massive Lamu port, TZ the same, Somalia the same in conjunction with Ethiopia… watu watabaki wakipigania scraps.
A waste of good money whereas if all these countries were united under one lapsett they would gain more. They would plan better. You handle the cargo and I will handle the tourists etc.
Instead of visiting just Mombasa as a Kenyan you would have hundreds of other choices. Just hop on a boat and visit the next country.
Like Trump said as concerns North Korean beaches, “What’s the point of fighting, Korea has fantastic beaches… You could have the best hotels in the world right there!”
“You see that whenever they’re exploding their cannons into the ocean. I said, ‘Boy, look at that view. Wouldn’t that make a great condo?’”
True ,we were only given political freedom while still being economic slaves to the west. Political independence doesn’t mean shit if our tax rates are determined by that mzungu infested world bank.