From my last post…
Monday, my least favorite day of the week since’s fuckin chilly. At 6.30 a.m I make breakfast for my Rugrats and see them off to school,check my schedule and see I have a free morning.I take my exercise mat and start streaming my yoga on telly and going through the postures…(bae is a demanding SOB and I always aim to please him as much as he pleases me)I go through the routines and enjoy how the different postures flow into each other…45minutes later I am feeling Zen and the day looks much brighter.
My phone rings…Kemboi caller ID flashes.I pick up and after the usual pleasantries he asks whether we can head out to view the land at Isinya.That is good news for me. He offers to pick me up from home-I decline-and we agree to meet at Naivas Kitengela his ETA is one hour.
Plenty of time for me to take a scalding hot shower and enjoy a cup of coffee. I put on warm clothes and head to the kitengela. We both arrive at the same time and I get into his double cab and we head off to the vast lands of Isinya.
On our way he narrates to me how they drunk until morning that Saturday.
" Pseudonym" he calls my name.
" You see my family is back home at the farm in Cheptiret. Sometimes I get lonely and long for company…" He continues.
I deliberately misinterpret his statement.
"That’s why you and your friends drink until early morning right? it’s understandable."
He laughs. I laugh and gaze out the window ,watch the scenery fly by. Kenya is a beauty.
I jokingly ask him about baba Abby and he regales me with tales of the fearsome man.
He asks me about myself and my family and I give him scanty details.
Eventually we divert from the main road into a dirt road. 10kms in ,we arrive at site. It’s a vast expanse of grassland.10 acres being sold at 2.5M an acre.Its a gold mine.Funny thing, I met the owner at Kitengela way back,at the slaughter house when I was shopping for meat. He had brought his cows for slaughter. The queues for both buyers and sellers were both extremely long that hot Saturday and we sat at the parking space with our car doors open ,grimacing at the insufferable mid morning sun.I was thirsty as fuck and I politely greeted him and offered to get him a drink as well at the duka as I went for mine and that’s how mzee and I became friends. He even went ahead and ordered one of his Morans to choose the best mbuzi for me.
“Kichinjio apana mahali ya wanawake” He claimed. I smiled in silent agreement.
The smell of blood ,shit and offals is not really my thing but a woman has to do what she must when the man is away,sio?
Back to Kemboi, he gazes at the property as baba Abby would. I can tell he likes it as we walk around. He bends over and picks the soil in his palm and feels the texture. Asks the usual questions. I give him the necessary answers.We get back in the car and drive around.Its so peaceful, the diesel engine car sound being the only noise around and we spot some zebras and antelopes interspersed with grazing sheep.
“I like it!” He claims.
“So how many acres can I sell to you?” I ask.
"All".He replies smugly.
"Ngai! I wonder.just how much does this man ‘make’ ? "
A simple math calculation runs through my mind. 4% of 25M and I smile.
We head back to Kitengela and have lunch at enkare. We make plans. I promise to get in touch with mzee as soon as I can.
"When I’m I seeing you again Pseudonym?" He asks as he briefly touches my hand.
"Oh, I’m always around ,tutakutana tu. " I smile.
Thankfully his phone rings and he has to rush sonewhere. He pays the bill and stands up to leave. Once more,he reaches into his inner coat pocket and removes a stash,selects a crisp note and places it on the table.
"Thank you mrembo." He says and walks away as I open my mouth to blubber something.
I stare at the Franklin on the table and place it on my wallet and finish my drink, well?
Time for the next step.
I call Mzee. I will be meeting him in his other home in Bisil on Friday.