We are 100 years behind

Have you realized we are literally +100 years behind the West? As in the things and issues we’re dealing with now they dealt with in the 1800s.

So there’s hope

150 years to be precise

London 1930.


When Stalin came to power, he proclaimed “we have 10 years to catch up with the West”. And surely, USSR made considerable progress. Wale walileta nyokonyoko, Siberia. Sisi we are “eating” democracy.

bonobo @Ndindu kuja u wank, utapike, ukojoe alafu ukunie kwa ii thread while wagging your tiny prick

USA got independence in 1774. We got ours in 1963. We are on the right track

Pretty retarded way to look at it…

If you want to compare…you need benchmarks…eg. compare life expectancy of the samples, inequality in their communities, etc …and it gets much more complicated than that…

Eg. In that 100 year difference you claim…how has life changed in Nairobi since 1923 compared to Boston in 1923…and for whom etc…eg for the slave owner they can claim Maisha quality has reduced significantly and the slave can claim better life etc

Lazy analysis imho…

It’s a good question that needs more nuanced analysis…100 years ago vs 100 years to come…a time frame that spans multiple generations and quite honestly very revealing…

To great disappointment…not so much changes apart from the superficial…a few extra years as a geriatric maybe…for the peasant…

yet technology promises a major shift for the wealthy…

being wealthy in 2123 will be a lot different than being wealthy in 1923…for the peasant there won’t be much difference tho…fact…

So bridging inequality in the 100 years should be a bigger concern…

Societies are fragmented and exist in different worlds and trajectories even in one country in 2023…

Eg. I quickly learnt two people can be in ibdenistand and live completely different lives…in same city and never once have their social circles meet each other…apartheid perfected…

Eg. Average wealth in Boston for an ethnic African is $8 while being $500K for the ethnic European…totally different worlds in same society where both are said to be Boston American citizens…according to reputable studies…

The divide is quite obvious and telling…who gets which jobs…who lives where…who is arrested…who goes to jail…who owns the yatch etc

So what? Let’s develop at our own pace.
After all the spiritual issues they’re dealing with now are things our ancestors perfected millennia ago

Europeans found your ancestors naked. Hehe hakuna kitu kama “our own pace” I want my children to eat and live good

Bro, Europeans found us fully Clothed.

No they didn’t. Infact your ancestors would pour millet water over themselves to protect themselves against bullets. Hehehe

Yes, they did.
No millet, we had Guns.

In which universe? Ama loincloth ndio unaita clothes?


Fact is most bazungu are more naked…ukatembea gym na beach…heck anywhere summer time…they leave zero to the imagination…

being naked is another person’s opinion…bonobos were shamed of what they consider freedom… beach town next finally won for females to be topless…as a right…

Nudity is true freedom…and most elucid societies consider it ultimate human freedom…what are you hiding that everyone has lol…enjoy jua my friend…

What we will all end up doing…free sio lazima ujifiche telegram…unaenda live … Who lied to you your body is evil and should be hidden lol…

…ukoloni ya akili mbaya…nothing sexual in being free and naked…it frees the mind from evil sexual overtones…naked is free in most societies…hakunanga sexual tension…Kila mtu anatembea free

I don’t think the technology at the time had reached this stage of airing such kind of videos/pictures.

Sub-zero IQ detected.

io ni ki"infrastructure."

sasa kimawazo tuko nyuma zaidi, hadi sa ii wasichana wamesoma hadi high school na wengine university hawajui mwili zao hufanya kazi aje

They already had cinemas in that era that showed good movies and just juzi nmewatch movie ya 1939. Iyo video imekua tu edited ikaongezwa colors and made smoother