WaTz wana majungu mengi sana na Wakenya

So Raila’s daughter was in some UN conference in her opening remarks she happened to mention that Olduvai Gorge, the craddle of manking is in Kenya…

Si waTz wamecatch fire mbaya, these guys have a deep seated inferiority complex towards us. Was checking out some thread on Jamii forums and it is up to 13 pages long and still counting.

These guys have serious issues…

I am creating an account on jamii forums nikuwe nawakera these nincompoops.



Machungu. Reasons why Tanzanians are more annoyed with you!


Kukereka kando, si Iko TZ? Am nimekosea(ama wamekosea)?

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Ni kweli kabisa. A while back there was a debate in The tanzanian parliament why Kenya Airways was using Mt. Kilimanjaro as a symbol. The mover of the motion claimed that Kenya Airways was trying to deceive tourists that Kilimanjaro is in Kenya :D. True story http://bit.do/matakoyamjaka


Hamjatosheka na uhasama kati ya makabila hapa Kenya ndio mwatafuta mwingine na waTanzania?

I remember that, ilianza na kq naming one of their birds Mt. Kilimanjaro, then Kutia chumvi kwenye kidonda they started running that ad.
The way story kama hizi za pale juu ya mawe jobless corner zinafika paliarment Tz. hu reinforce ile stereotype ya wa Tz. kuwa wasee wa kukaa kupiga gumzo a whole day

there is actually a “myth” that say Kilimanjaro was actually in Kenya and was gifted away by queen Victoria, never seen any documentation to prove this but the shape of the border between KE and TZ has been used greatly to advance this theory

You mean they understand English?

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We got nothing against them, but the level of hatred against kenyans is alarming.

I guess while Nyerere was busy cultivating harmony amongst the Tanzanians, he was also busy inculcating a culture of suspicion and hatred towards kenyans. or nyang’au. The results are there to be seen till now.
Good thing is they are only keyboard warriors, the moment you meet them they are so meek and intimidated.


nm [ya-] conspiracy, plot, denigration.

Go teach yourself more swahili before trying to correct me. Now go get me some tea woman!!


Tanzanians are good people generally. The only problem that they have is that they are really petty with umama mob.


hii rink ni regit? :eek:

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They have even done translations. And the amazing thing is Mary Odinga was expressing her opinion as a private citizen.

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Iko sawa. Siwezi weka spam hapa

Damn the comments section is on fire. they really hate us o_O

Kenya and Rwanda are on their number one hate list, I think its jealousy and nothing else. as someone said, wana umama mwingi na mwajua wamama wakiona jirani wao anapika kuku kila siku inazua uhasama.


Let’s differentiate btn Kenyans and saperes. HII grudge iliboil over when saperes raided Tanzania and robbed their banks mercilessly.


Wakamba kiswahili itawaua

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Wacha Ufala kaka brazza…ama mimi ndie sijaelewa?

Upuss!!! Kuka!!! All that is politically motivated!!! Nugu!!! Na Clichy is a product of Uweskamende and MSAPERE? Kuvuta wire is all about Kenyans. Show me any place that we can raid nitajirike and i’ll call you jatelo! Nugu ya Telekram…