Watu wa USAID kazi kwisha na vile wao hukaa manyumba expensive



Kenya kila mtu akona roho ya mchawi. Sasa mbona watu wanachangamshwa na stori za watu kubrushiwa?

If you are a businessman you will understand that unemployment is bad for business.


Wivu mbaya


Your cocaine market is about to go broke most USAID workers are heavy users :joy:.


Trump akifurusha kupe wivu inaingilia wapi?


AGOA is expiring in August, which one will send many people home, The Grifters under team USAID or Kenyan Investors exporting to the US.

This is my biggest worry given that Kaongo is the one in power .Uhuru saved us last time when Trump was in power. Dude sweet-talked Trump to the point that Trump called him “Smart and energetic” and set the course for the US-Kenya FTA that has been in negotiation. Kaongo will take his blabbing mouth and lying arse and basically not only sabotage AGOA, but even cave in to the provisions of the FTA that we opposed (which is why it has stalled the entire Biden period) like the export of some American foodstuff to Kenya and the issue of dumping of plastic waste in Kenya from that country.
We are in DEEP TROUBLE after August 2025.


Hizi ndio ujinga tunashinda tukiongelea: instead of uniting, kila mtu anataka aonyeshe yeye ndio anafanya kitu kushinda wengine. Huyu ni akili maji sana kufikiria unemployment ni mzuri for any cause.


Wueh, i have friends wakona NGOs pale south sudan na northern parts of kenya…sasa hao watauma nje ama kutaenda aye? A good friend of mine na yeye alihamia pale Canada, alipata job na NGO fulani.


Zoomalians will be the most afftected for obvious reasons. Most of them receive stipends from USAID, pool that money and then build in parklands and South C.

By the way, here’s the Somali playbook:

  • Go to Daadab and claim refugee status from Somalia (wanasemanga they escaped clan wars and shit)
  • They’re accepted, given food, clothing, and a monthly stipend
  • They’re then put on a list for future admission to the US, UK, Sweden (USAID works with DFID and the UNHCR to achieve this)

Once they get on the line, wanapewa ruhusa to go to Nairobi and make a living as they await their visa appointments (it takes years lakini kumbuka stipends wanakula). Also kumbuka that they bribe Kenyan officials to obtain Kenyan documents

Unapata jamaa is a refugee and a Kenyan citizen at the same time alafu all of a sudden jamaa anapelekwa majuu. These goatfuckers are actually clever. There’s a whole story pale Twitter about such schemes.

There’s even a movie that’s been made about this on Netflix. Jamaa zinakuanga Eastleigh kazi ni kungojea tu appointments pale US embassy. Pitia apo Gigiri around 11 AM utawapata wote wamejaa apo nje wanangojea kuingia for their interviews with their many kids.


Itabidi watu wa anze kuuza mkia


Jina ya Netflix movie nione?

Besides, Kiuks did the same during Moi’s tenure. Whatever means one uses to survive, it’s not your business, you aren’t God bana, wacha wasomali waishi.


Uhuru alipoingia alifunga NGOs mingi sana and I was personally affected by his tenure. Ati sis ndio tulikuwa tunafund opposition. Alinimwagia unga in so many different ways bana
Watu wata adapt iyo sio issue


350k seems like a big exergeration, plus even if its the indirect opportunities, its not like the independent contractors only work for usaid, the un agencies are still around plus the other international donor ngos.
I dont think the effect will be as big as its being made out, the high dolar life in nairobi blue zones will continue kawaida tu.


Wapeleke ujinga mbali



omba omba are crying all over. Watu hawana akili


You got jokes, bratha. 350k out of how many millions? Tell them to man up and face their situeshens head on and to think outside the ngo box. Woiyeeing wapeleke hukoooo… Self pity wont get them sympathy. Think nyeuthi, think! Bila muthungu na msaada wake hujiwezi?

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USAID haiendi Mahali itakuwa rebranded and management ibadilishwe

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This Usaid thing must be stopped kabisa. Ni kama @cortedivoire wasting all his salary on lanyes huko calabash then expecting a neighbour to donate to feed his kids na kuwanunulia dawa. Our leaders are stealing our taxes (2B/day) and living large then after kuiba kila kitu expect american taxpayers to buy medicines and mosquito nets for kenyan kids. And build them toilets.

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Kama tu hapa kwa sakayo

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