Watu wa mbao

kaa! Enda uact news zako hats hautupei hekaya zipike supu zirokotwo kwa drum

nema itaolewe hakuna difference ya wao kuwa na ile time hawako…total failures

Waah are you serious?

There is a stream 200 meters from where I stay imekauka kabisa imebaki tu shallow water puddles and no flowing water.During the previous rains it burst its banks. Never seen it like this

corruption will be the end of us…mtu anajua vizuri sana what they are doing is wrong but their greed for money won’t let them say no

Agreed, nimejaribu kufanya county director wao achangamkie watu to no avail.

Kuna time i was an intern for about a month kwa their offices, trust me ata EIA hawafanyi. Kama after SGR was built 9 elephants were found dead but kwa news walisema zimeongezeka…now we all know gestation period of an elephant takes forever so how can they increase in number after a short time? As Kenyans we are very gullible

They are also short staffed, how can a whole county have 4 staff? But the laxity in their offices is out of this world, and funny enough they don’t pick calls, don’t handle complaints.