Watu wa mbao

Si kitunguu imemurikwo k24 saa hii hamna bahati enyewe mito imekauka

Speaking in tongues?

wenye hatuoni K24 chieth tufanyaje?

Wanaharvest kwa msitu bila huruma and its being said that ndio inamaliza mito

jinga unajua maana ya kuMBAO

This indeed alarming…forest cover is dwindling at a very fast rate…somthing needs to be urgently done

Kanini Kega amenipiss off sana, ati they are cutting old trees. No tree should be cut whether exotic or indigenous since we are having a very low tree coverage. We are running low on water sources and carbon sequestration


Folks we are being shafted. There are people who are putting up concrete jungles in cities just by cutting down trees in gazetted forests

wacha nikimbie google kiasi narudi

Follow at the 9pm bulletin

Not to play the devils advocate,but where are we supposed to get wood for all the wooden products we use?

:o:o hii ndio nini @Jolly

vile miti zina take in carbon dioxide from the atmosphere leading to a decline in greenhouse effect.

Just watched it. Kenya tunafaa kuwa tunafocus on climate change badala ya siasa. Before it’s too late.

Kenya forest service wamelala tu kazi yao kula tu hongo na kuuza miti yenyewe

K24 hatuoni.

mimi wajinga wanakata miti town ati ndio billboards zionekane wananisinya sana…is nema really allowing it ama ni ujeuri yao tu?

Haya ngojea summary


For those interested. Sad sad sad