So got this pal who works in a government chemist who supplies me with these HIV kits, iv dared some ladies to take a test tujue kama tutaenda dryfry, and believe you me, most hukataa. Word spread around i have these kits so my palz wakazichukua kutest their ladies. Hapo ndio drama ilianza! 7 break ups so far! Kwani watu hujishuku aje! Mimi niko sawa.
You have to know kuna other diseases that come na kukuta vitu dryfry! Tafuta msee ako government hospital kubwa yenye haina strict regulations na such things. Zangu hutoka from &*#$%, and they have to be used within a year accordong to MoH, but watu huogopa VCT sana so stock huwa mob sana so I just hand them out for free coz ata me hupewa bure na niliacha hizo njaro za kusleep na every bitch i meet. But zile beer nimekunywa juu ya hiyo story ni mob sana. Chemists are not allowed to sell coz of possible suicide rates. My last shipment had 2000 pieces, within a week zilikuwa zimeisha!