Watoto wa juzi can't relate. When America was America.

Waarabu waliona shida sana wakati hii team ilikuwa pale 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.


Lucifer with his angels.

I guess only two are still alive

The 9/11 crew

Hii team ilikua noma sana…

1st they destroyed property in US.

They then killed US citizens.

Then took more citizens… In form of troops to Afghanistan… Nd killed more there…

Killed more Afghanistans…

Bought shit loads of weapons…

These guys cashed out like crazy…

I think only Powell and Rumsfeld died since

Dick Cheney was the actual prezzy

Bush killed fellow Americans like the dog he was. He went ahead and killed Iraqis and Afghans over a pure lie. Americans amaze me, they kill even their own.

:D:D Cheney hakuwa anajali


More like only two are dead. Rumsfeld na Powell

Chukua nafasi kwa bench uone game vile inapangwa. War is big business.