Was the Census Rigged?

I’ve seen conversation of resource disbursement pegged on Population return. It’s mainly being pushed by Central Kenya. Why? They did not want a Federal Republic.

Are Kikuyus really the largest ethnic group by population?

What percentage of each ethnic group resides in Cosmopolitan Nairobi (also main economic hub)?

twambie wewe ni kabila gani kwanza.

Better remains that way somalis are second yet they multiply like roaches

Sisi gikuyu sio the largest but we are the most crafty, ukiskia largest or biggest think in terms of brains.

Ambia ule witnesser wa Baba labda ako na the “real” figures za sen-sar kwa sava!!!

Kuja nikutombe uzae uongeze population ya watu wenu,mbwa

Kuja nikupanue hiyo oversized pussy

Luhyas are the largest tribe. Somalis wamefika “big 5”.

Janitor wewe record magari ya kuingia na kutoka ,mambo ya census huwezi

Ni wengi…Don’t assume kiuks population is concentrated only in Central Kenya(province). Think of Central, Nairobi, Rift valley …among other areas.

hakuna. soomali ni kidogo sana. hata afadhali ungesema wakamba.

Do you remember when Oparanya was in the cabinet and his docket was in charge of the population census? Do you remember them not releasing the official numbers?

Do you think that by mistake or design?

wasomali sio wengi hivyo.

So ali release hizo official numbers after releasing in your mkia? Mbwa
