Was Kobe Bryant a Rapist?

Vijana wadogo msiaibike kula lanye wazee than kuwa rapist.

Na msizoena na lanye. Ukimkula usisave namba picha na usiwahi rudi.

Ukisikia bado unamdai rudi rematch but usiwahi kula lanye more than twice.

Kwa jela rapist na pedophiles wanadharauliwa juu kuma ni mia tatu sasa mbona uanze kuiba kuma.

Na mbona most celebs wako na issues dealing with defilement.

Most monied superstars have undergone this. For neymar, it is a cctv recording that saved him. Most women claim rape when they think they should come upon a windfall by virtue of the fact that they slept with a popular personality who’s wealthy.